NFT Battleminer Game on WAX

Hello, I'd like to introduce this game, which I mentioned in a previous post.
It's a #play2earn game on the blockchain wax playable in #free2play.

It consists of different types of mining, one is done using NFTs (3 free ones are given to you to start with) and the other I'm going to talk about here (Shadow_depths) which takes place by seasons.

It's all about mining resources and fighting the monsters that are present in the galleries with an avatar supplied with basic equipment.
Equipment can be made and found while mining.



A few words about Arcadian NFT mining, you have a mining station and NFTs to help you mine, with the free cards I mine 18 Actium per hour, it's not much but it gives you an idea of how it works, you have to restart mining every 2 and a half days or so.


Here's an overview of how Shadow_Depth works:

Your avatar looks like this, here equipped with Epic stuff.


You send your avatar on missions of different durations and difficulty levels, and he'll fight, collect resources and gain XP, but his equipment will gradually degrade.
(on this picture I'm not gaining XP, it's normal, I'm doing a quest on low level mine)


As you gain experience, you can improve your avatar's skills I recommend HP, which gives access to better regeneration.


You can manufacture and upgrade your equipment in the workshop, but this requires an investment. The first levels are accessible with earned resources, so I'll stop at the Epic level.


New this season, you can sell your resources and equipment to other players via the marketplace.
It's a good source of income, but I'll stop there, too, at the Epic level.


Upgrades are made from the "ship" menu, and are costly in terms of in-game tokens and resources.


It's very interesting to complete the tasks, as they give great immediate rewards and move you forward through the season's levels with even greater rewards, including NFTs.


Finally, you can earn a reward if you rank high in the leaderboard. At the moment, I'm 471° with an estimated payout of $1.21 (in WAX, I think).
My portfolio earnings to date are as follows (no money invested).


Here are a few links:

For the game:
My referral link:

You need a WAX wallet to play:
(cost 5 WAX)

Or an alternative free login with Wombat wallet:
My referral link:


Enjoy the game if you give it a try and thanks for reading the post if you get there.

Cross posted on Hive blog with french version:

Images are screenshots from the game

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