
Verge XVG – The ultimate guide

By Guarda Wallet | Guarda Wallet Blog | 10 Dec 2023

What is Verge Currency?

Verge Currency is a privacy-focused, community-driven cryptocurrency, building upon the principles of Bitcoin. Enhancing the original framework set by Satoshi Nakamoto in the Bitcoin Whitepaper, Verge stands out as a layer 1 cryptocurrency. It provides rapid transaction settlements with enhanced privacy features, offering greater user anonymity compared to Bitcoin.

Verge integrates the public ledger's transparency with advanced security through its unique Tor Network, hosted by each Verge Wallet. This means the more active Verge wallets there are, the more secure user data becomes, while still maintaining the integrity of a public blockchain.

How does XVG work?

Originally a fork of Peercoin and Novacoin, and later evolving into DogeCoin Dark, Verge underwent significant development before rebasing as a 2018 Fork of Bitcoin. It boasts faster block times (every 30 seconds) and supports 5 different mining algorithms (Scrypt, Myriad-Groestl, Lyra2rev2, Blake2s, X-17), enabling diverse mining methods.

Verge stats

- Total coins: 16.5 billion
- Transaction fee: 0.1 XVG
- Founded: 2016

History of Verge Currency

Founded by early cryptocurrency enthusiasts, notably Justin Vendetta and Cryptorekt, Verge originated from a fork of Peercoin and Novacoin. Initially named DogeCoin Dark, it paid homage to Dogecoin's community spirit while offering enhanced privacy. The project transitioned to Verge Currency in 2016, distancing itself from dark web associations and marking its evolution as a serious currency option.

Principles of Verge Currency

As a Proof-of-Work blockchain, Verge positions itself as a first-layer companion to Bitcoin. Unlike centralized payment methods like Lightning Network, Verge facilitates direct layer 1 ledger transactions with Bitcoin through atomic swaps, without compromising security or privacy.

Verge has integrated Tor within its infrastructure, providing built-in features for enhanced user privacy, surpassing the security offered by conventional Tor networks used with Bitcoin.

Security & Resilience

Every Verge wallet functions as its own Tor Node, adding an extra layer of privacy for XVG users. The currency has withstood several attacks, showcasing the resilience and strength of its community-driven security measures.


Being a decentralized, open-source project, Verge invites contributions from anyone in coding, translation, or design. The core team maintains infrastructure and addresses emerging issues, ensuring continuous improvement.

Verge's adaptability extends to its utility in both DeFi and traditional retail spaces, with integration as straightforward as that of Bitcoin.

Where to buy Verge?

Verge can be purchased on various platforms, including Guarda Wallet. Guarda provides a reliable and user-friendly experience for buying XVG directly using Visa, Mastercard, or SEPA transfer.

Where to store Verge?

Guarda Wallet ( is an excellent choice for securely managing Verge, offering an intuitive interface and robust features for both crypto enthusiasts and newcomers.


Verge Currency, supported by a strong global community, has proven its longevity and relevance in the cryptocurrency space. Its emphasis on privacy and user security, combined with its adaptability and ease of use, positions it as a significant player in the digital currency world.

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