How Quantum Computers will read your E-Mail (in the future)

By TheJan | Great To Know! | 5 Dec 2022

A quantum computer is a type of computer that is based on the principles of quantum mechanics. It is a highly advanced and powerful computing system that is capable of processing vast amounts of data in parallel, using the unique properties of quantum particles. Quantum computers are superior to current computer architectures in several ways:

  1. Faster and more powerful: Quantum computers are much faster and more powerful than traditional computers, allowing them to solve complex problems and analyze large amounts of data much more efficiently.

  2. Parallel processing: Quantum computers can process and manipulate vast amounts of data in parallel, using the unique properties of quantum particles. This allows them to solve complex problems much more quickly than traditional computers.

  3. Enhanced accuracy: Quantum computers are highly accurate and reliable, due to the unique properties of quantum particles. This allows them to provide more accurate and reliable results than traditional computers.

One of the commonly used hashing algorithms also used in identification challenges for client/server communication is SHA-256. SHA-256 is a cryptographic hash function that is commonly used for encrypting and protecting data. It works by taking an input of any size and generating a fixed-size output, known as a hash, that is unique to the input. The hash is generated using a complex mathematical algorithm that is designed to be difficult to reverse or crack. This means that it is difficult to determine the original input from the hash, making it difficult to crack the encryption. Additionally, SHA-256 uses a large number of rounds of processing, which makes it even more difficult to crack. Overall, the complexity and security of the SHA-256 algorithm make it difficult to crack, providing a high level of protection for encrypted data.

Quantum computing has the potential to help crack current encryption in the future, but it is not currently capable of doing so. Quantum computing is based on the principles of quantum mechanics, which allow for much faster and more powerful computing than traditional computers. This is because quantum computers can process and manipulate vast amounts of data in parallel, using the unique properties of quantum particles. While this makes them highly efficient at solving certain types of problems, they are currently limited in their ability to solve complex encryption algorithms. It is likely that quantum computing will be able to crack current encryption in the future, as the technology continues to advance and improve. However, this is not currently possible with the current state of quantum computing technology.

So for now your e-mails are safe, but in the future we'll need to step up the encryption game once quantum computers arrive.

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Technology evangelist, enthusiast, tinkerer, coder. I like all things new and fancy, but also like to dig in old, dusty things to uncover lost treasure.

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