Gods Unchained Gameplay Video: Ransom

By servelle | Gods Unchained Gameplay | 24 Jun 2022

In this video I show the gameplay of a battle between Ludia Goddess of Deception and Elyrian the God of Magic in the blockchain game #GodsUnchained.

I play Ludia with Olpheo's Distraction power which is one of the best for its ability to hide and thus render inactive an enemy frontline creature, it is also sometimes used on our own creatures to protect them.
My opponent plays Elyrian with the power "Magebolt".
Like most magicians, he has a lot of spell cards and frontlines.
I waste "Dark Knives" unnecessarily, I have to remember to use it just before an attack, not at the end of the turn.
The score is quickly unfavorable to me (27/10) and my creatures are eliminated.
But I regain the advantage thanks to specific spells, "Cutthroat Insight" with which I steal a powerful spell.
"Ransom" which I could use twice on big creatures, including "Helian Elite", eliminating them from the board and increasing their mana cost.
"Vault Vagabond" allowed me to get a copy of "Helian Elite" and win the game (6/0).
With Ludia a turnaround is always possible.



Thanks for watching

Do not hesitate to try this game, it's free to play and you are given cards to start with, then it's easy to earn new ones by playing.

For more information see:
A good site for studying cards, creating or exploring decks:

Cross posted on Hive blog with a french version:




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Cryptolover, investor, gamer, gambler.

Gods Unchained Gameplay
Gods Unchained Gameplay

In this blog i show gameplay videos of battles in Gods Unchained blockchain game.

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