Stawamus Chief, Squamish, B.C., Canada

Squamish is a small British Columbian town between Vancouver and Whistler. With a population of about 20,000, Squamish is technically considered a district municipality. Built starting in the 1910s, Squamish is about an hours drive from Vancouver or Whistler, and is a popular destination for both locals and visitors. 


This first photo was taken from the Stawamus Chief, overlooking Howe Sound. The photo has not been altered or put through filters. 


This second photo is of the Sky Pilot Suspension Bridge, a 100 meter-ish long bridge at the top of the Sea-To-Sky Gondola. The photo has not been altered or put through filters. 


This third photo just shows some nice mountains covered in evergreen trees. There honestly isn't too much to describe. The photo has not been altered or put through filters. 

Note: Hey all! This is the first set of photos in this new blog. I'm testing to see whether the photo quality is retained by Publish0X. Apologies if the quality gets compressed by Publish0X. In the future. I'll aim to have 3+ photos per post! 

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Hey there! I'm just an average Vancouverite who has been mining for several years now, and have used everything from GPUs to ASICs and from CPUs to USB miners! I also write about global news with the World International News Group and do some photography!

Global Photographer
Global Photographer

Just the average guy taking photos from around the world!

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