List: Complete Wastes of Time

By Ginae B. McDonald | Ginae Say | 4 Jul 2019

Pushing around bits of rubber band, using one finger and a flat surface.

Brushing the hair of a dead beaver.

Doing your dog's laundry.

Taking photos of people sitting on the can.

Fast-forwarding your favorite show so that all you watch are the commercials.

Walking backwards at the mall and listening intently to the conversations of

others, in hopes of crashing their personal talks.

Trying to get MUCH CLOSER to a group of nun's.

Bleaching the anuses of those who do not wish to have this done.

Dealing with vengeful avarians.


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Ginae B. McDonald
Ginae B. McDonald

Reiki Master. Public Speaker. Ghost Hunter. Hornist. Crypto Enthusiast.

Ginae Say
Ginae Say

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