My Passive crypto Earnings

By Ghous | ghous | 2 Jul 2020

Hi there readers....

How are you all? I hope in good health and spirits...

Today I am going to write about my experiences about passive crypto earnings over the internet, and will share some sites that I regularly use.

It all started in May, when I ways bored to death because of the imposed lockdown and restrictions 😓. I spent so much time on Netflix, and watched all the content, that they offered me an honorary degree (just kidding guys) 😂. Eventually, I started to looking for ways to make my time more productive over the internet. So, all in all, I started searching of ways to make money online and my focus was specially on crypto currencies. During my search, I explored social media and other sources to find legitimate sites as most of the advertised sources are usually scams. Anyways, By the start of June, I had already signed up for multiple sites which have different business models and reward in cryptos.

I have been active on below mentioned four sites, which are legitimate as I have already withdrawn from them multiple times. I am sure some of you would already been using them also.


1) Rollercoin

So rollercoin is a rather fun way to earn crypto. You play small games and increase your mining power. You can also invest small amount to buy miners and rack for a constant income. The options to mine are Bitcoin, Ethereum and Doge coins.


2) Faucetcrypto

This is a multi-crypto faucet which requires us to visit small links and ads to earn coins. These coins can we withdrawn for crypto and there are multiple options to convert to and withdraw. One of the good thing is that many cryptos have no withdrawal fee and you get full amount deposited to the destination address. I usually use this site when I am watching TV or Netflix and just use my hands to click on the links.


3) Publish0x

We all know how it works and probably all of us have already withdrawn multiple times , so no explanations required here 🤗.We can post articles and tip yourself and the author at the end of each article. In return, you can earn DAI, BAT and LRC coins.


4) Read.Cash

So I have saved the best of the lot for the end 😃. Read cash for me has been the best source of passive crypto income so far. It is pretty much like Publish0x. You can earn points by “random rewarder” for posting articles and comments and giving upvotes. These points get burned out daily to give you Bitcoin Cash.

I have shared my referral links with all the sites. Signup using those if you haven’t already and want to give them a try.

If you liked the article, make sure to give and thumbs up. Comment about what you use and if this article helped you.

Until next time....

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A crypto noob


I am technology enthusiast and fairly new to crypto. I will be most writing about traveling, technology and other useful information to benefit the community here.

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