Monero (XMR) nodes’ upgrade is now live: Why is this important?

Monero (XMR) Nodes Activated Most Crucial Hardfork of 2022

By GetBlock | GetBlock | 17 Aug 2022

Monero is actually the most popular ‘privacy coin’; its transactions are untraceable and therefore are invisible for watchdogs or malefactors.

Monero (XMR) nodes’ upgrade is now live: Why is this important?

According to the official statement shared by all community-managed Monero (XMR) accounts, its blockchain was successfully hardforked.

The hardfork was activated at block 2,688,888 that was mined on August 13, 2022. First and foremost, the upgrade implemented a novel ring signatures scheme: instead of 11 users, it is now verified by 16 users.

Then, its high-secure Bulletproofs mechanism was replaced by Bulletproof+ scheme. This update significantly reduced the volume of proofs and therefore increased the computational volume and resource-efficiency of Monero (XMR). Net transaction performance sees 3-4% increase.

Monero (XMR) wallets see its speed up by 30-40 per cent

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