syscoin x getblock partnership

GetBlock Adds Support For Syscoin (SYS) Blockchain

By GetBlock | GetBlock News & Updates | 14 Sep 2022

The GetBlock project provides access to Syscoin, an open-source blockchain based on both Bitcoin and Ethereum. Having used high-tech methods since its creation, Syscoin is compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine and can scale using NEVM technological methods.

🔊 @getblockio has integrated #Syscoin #NEVM!

We are excited about this integration because provides shared and dedicated node service, enabling developers on @Syscoin with first-class infrastructure for their #dapp.#GetBlock $SYS

— Syscoin (@syscoin) August 2, 2022

Syscoin’s features supported by GetBlock

The Syscoin platform provides many novel solutions to Web3 developers. They’ve looked for ways to integrate Syscoin’s ecosystem into their decentralized products through GetBlock, a Blockchain-as-a-Service provider. GetBlock can provide different options based on customers’ budgets and requirements for dApp development on top-quality infrastructure. Using Syscoin’s revolutionary technology, users can access GetBlock through SYS dedicated and shared nodes.

Ways to benefit from SYS nodes hosted by GetBlock


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GetBlock is a Blockchain RPC provider that offers fast and easy API connection to full nodes of 50+ blockchains, including Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Binance Smart Chain (BSC), among others.

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GetBlock is a Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) platform that provides a fast and easy API connection to full nodes from many leading blockchain platforms. Here we're going to publish updates related to the project development.

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