Remember this Tim Draper article from 2019 where he said "invest before it's too late, we are 2 years away from everyone using Bitcoin", what went wrong?

Back then the price was almost 4000 Dollars per Bitcoin. Today, more than 2 years later it's almost 10x at approximately 35.000 Dollars and for a while went all the way beyond the 60.000 Dollar mark. Though of course not "everyone" is using it now 2.5 years later, his prediction of Bitcoin going all the way up to 250.000 Dollars in 2022 is actually still very much on track.


My views on these type of things are unchanged:

But what I also realize, is that much like in the gambling world, where a very small number of people still have an edge over the corrupt and dishonest sports books and casinos:

The same applies to the Crypto world, where a few in fact do have an edge over the rest, including governments and (other) whales. So does this mean Tim Draper is one of these people? It's certainly safe to say he isn't a fake guru or manipulating whale, and it's not as if he needs to hype up Bitcoin for the few million Dollars he will make when the price jumps just so he can dump. But if he indeed does have an edge, what went wrong with this prediction?

Short answer, I think it's still in progress. 2 years ago there was no El Salvador legal tender, no Tesla accumulating Bitcoin, no South American nations writing bills regarding accepting Bitcoin and paying salaries with it. But on the other hand, there also weren't that many nations who were so actively trying to limit their citizens on Bitcoin and Crypto as a whole the past years. Am I wrong to categorize Tim Draper as someone who has "an edge" in the Crypto world, or is there a relevant casual link between his prediction not being 100% correct and certain governments directly hindering, even prohibiting millions of people from using Bitcoin and thus why not "everyone is using Bitcoin" yet 2 years later?



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Geo-Political & Economical developments
Geo-Political & Economical developments

Things are almost never as they seem. If you sincerely think that world powers would spend their money and resources in order to just "help" citizens from foreign nations, you might want to ask yourself why they've been neglecting and out right murdering their own citizens for decades. What are their true motives for wanting to fund foreign (terror) groups, start global confrontations and wars? I'll let you in on a little secret; It has NOTHING to do with "human rights" nor "democracy".

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