Crypto Quiz: You are a crypto genius if you can answer all these questions

Not really, I just happened to be scrolling by a new exchange I saw that had the coin logos and abbreviations listed without their full names, and me and a friend started competing in guessing the cryptos names to see who could name the most and I thought it'd be a fun game to play here as well, so on that note:

How many of these 10 cryptos can you name just by looking at their logo? (answers at the end of the list)

Let's start off easy:

1. d36d2ca6de3831cbf8a7be44f869806f83a12f66f184e5591ef8f427dc0cb1fa.png

2. efe0e7c2ac3260826d87d1190cfd7edc171794d12730ae6d7abe818afb8388a8.png

3. bb747bd4b51325620893d4f8eda736914bddf7cb892e4fbb05a73aca8d217804.png

Alright, let's get out of easyville and move to the next level:

4. 2fcd86ef89b37dcbf297a554f91bc5b9b1784919c9e09e8a24bf1f538e074c7e.png

5. a80f823a86197c2d9810330a278e6a184d2d4faadd7e567384a26934c7ee6159.png

6. c170e9e4664167cce048df3c0123b8c0510ff8fd74aedf75dfd6d5e7304a48bb.png

These will be difficult for most, but Publish0X crypto OGs should know them:

7. a83e04550cdd7f033e816cf4bbaa9a2a47506598056c9461d5e0d84e5b12c257.png

8. 6d3798ef8552e1ff6851672a9ac4304fb4209cee6c1c52b823a12e8d658f38c7.png

OK last stop won't be easy. Frequent readers should be able to guess these next ones, other than that they're pretty obscure:

9. 1f5fad73de7040793e9ae2f818fcea4c14df0330c0a516a00efdc57c5544d6b0.png


So, how many did you get? Let's say that 6 or more correct is a pass, 9 or 10 correct qualifies you as a crypto OG.

Answers: 1. Uniswap 2. Chainlink 3. Monero 4. Ravencoin 5. Bitcoin Diamond 6. EthereumPOW 7. Bitconnect 8. Spot 9. CargoX 10. Groestlcoin


Some MC questions:

1. Which crypto turned out to be a scam?

A) Litecoin

B) Safemoon

C) Ethereum Classic

2. Which coin has an unlimited supply?

A) Bitcoin

B) Stellar

C) Ethereum

3. Which coin is the oldest?

A) Ethereum

B) Peercoin

C) Litecoin

4. Which 'Bitcoin' doesn't exist?

A) Bitcoin Platinum

B) Bitcoin 2

C) Bitcoin Plus

5: Which memecoin doesn't exist?

A) Eincoin (meme based on Albert Einstein)

B) Shiba Inu (meme based on Japanese Shiba dog)

C) Dawkoin (meme based on Richard Dawkins)

6: Which of these is an Ethereum token?

A) Apecoin

B) Vechain

C) Meow


How'd you do? These were a bit tougher so let's say getting 3 correct is a pass.

1:B 2:C 3:C 4:A 5:A 6:A


Finishing off with a crypto-coin brain tease:

You are put in a room and see there are 50 coins in front of you. These coins are very special because on one side they are Bitcoins, but flip them around to the other side and they become Ethereum coins. You're having a look around and notice that out of all the coins, 40 coins are faced upwards to the Bitcoin side, and 10 are faced downwards to their Ethereum side.


Suddenly the lights go out and you get an offer: You can leave and get the total amount in Ethereum coins that are there in the pile, or risk losing that to win the total value in whatever Bitcoins there are by completing a task related to the coins in front of you.


You'll quickly calculate that the 10 Ethereum coins you saw are worth about 30.000 Euros and 40 Bitcoins are worth about 3.7 million Euros. So you can either take 30K or risk losing it to win almost 3.7 million Euros by solving the task related to the pile of 2 sided coins. You ask what the task is and are told you have to pay 5 Ethereum coins to hear it. What do you do? Take the 10 Ethereum coins without ever knowing what the task was, at least hear what the task is and then decide to maybe leave with 5 Ethereum coins, or risk losing it all by accepting the challenge.

What if the task was something stupid like guess how many coins are faced on the Ethereum side? You already know the answer to that one, and even if it's something else how hard could the task be if you already noticed and counted the differences in the coins right? You decide to pay the 5 Ethereum to at least see if you can win 3.7 million Euros and hear the following: Without any way to see which coin is what, you have to divide the entire stack of 50 coins into 2 separate stacks in a way that each stack has exactly the same number of Ethereum coins in it.


This means you can have possibilities such as 10 Bitcoins and 5 Ethereum coins in one stack, and 30 Bitcoins and 5 Ethereum coins in the other. Or for example have only 5 Ethereum coins in one stack, and 5 Ethereum coins and all the 40 Bitcoins in the other stack. The number of Bitcoins doesn't matter, you just have to divide the coins so that the number of Ethereum coins are evenly spread between the 2 stacks. Do you accept, or leave with the remaining 15K Euros you have left? (Stop here to think or scroll down for answer).


The answer is actually quite simple. It's one of those math related mysteries that solves itself if you just know the key. The trick is to randomly take the total number of coins that are 'different', in this case 10 Ethereum coins. So let's say you now have a stack of 10 coins and 2 of them are Ethereum coins and 8 are Bitcoins. This means the other stack has 40 coins of which 8 are Ethereum coins and 32 Bitcoins. All you need to do now is flip the stack of 10 random coins you picked around, and suddenly you have and 2 Bitcoins and 8 Ethereum coins, exactly the same number of Ethereum coins that was left in the other stack.

This works with any amount of Ethereum coins you randomly pick. Let's say you somehow already picked exactly 5 Ethereum coins and 5 Bitcoins and left 5 Ethereum coins and 35 Bitcoins in the other stack. Flip this stack of 10 coins around and you still have 5 Ethereum coins, which is still exactly the same as that was left in the other stack of 40 coins. Now if you are a jinx and happen to pick exactly all 10 Ethereum coins in one stack, you still flip them around and they become 10 Bitcoins, meaning there are now 0 Ethereum coins left in each stack, which is still equal. There's no way to lose.🤑

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Geo-Political & Economical developments
Geo-Political & Economical developments

Things are almost never as they seem. If you sincerely think that world powers would spend their money and resources in order to just "help" citizens from foreign nations, you might want to ask yourself why they've been neglecting and out right murdering their own citizens for decades. What are their true motives for wanting to fund foreign (terror) groups, start global confrontations and wars? I'll let you in on a little secret; It has NOTHING to do with "human rights" nor "democracy".

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