If you haven't already, just seeing some of the ''fact checking'' notes some people try to submit will make you give up on this ''social'' media altogether. And believe it or not, some of these most laughably bias notes actually get approved sometimes and are shown to the scrolling public.
Yes the system is broken Mac, but it's only getting broker, or more broke, whatever you get the idea. I discovered him last year btw and even tough there are plenty of messages he delivers which I entirely disagree with, one can't deny that some of the lyrics he puts out there are brilliantly funny: "It's more difficult to get a job than to purchase a gun...Eminem used to gay bash and kill his mom, but now doesn't want you as a fan if you voted for Trump...censorship's an issue because they choose what to erase, there's a difference between hate speech and speech that you hate." Yes there indeed is a difference, but what happens when you put a bunch of politicized bias junkies in charge of moderating that speech? Well, on that (community)note:
Mans mistook ''community'' notes for ''whataboutism'' notes:
"I don't want you to read media I don't approve of so I'll use the community note system to say so whilst also actually confirming the report is true".
Elon was joking about how even Neo from the Matrix had to ''accept cookies'' before he could get access. Surely no one will try to community note this right?
They can't even advertise on their own platform without this happening😂
Sharing video evidence of armed Israeli officers running over civilians for no reason?
No! There was a very good reason, they were throwing stones. It's almost as if this meme is now a community note ''fact checker''.😂
This one is actually quite common and honestly never ceases to amaze me in how shamelessly ridiculous it is:
People daring to claim that English media is bias not against Palestine, but against Israel is some revolting, pitiful, nauseating, disgraceful, sickening, distasteful, mesmerizing, hypocritical, baffling, stupefying, shameless, delusional 💩.
Speaking of that story btw, anyone wonder why it was necessary to mention the murdered woman from the US was ''of Turkish origin''? I'm quite sure most of you are clever enough to know why they wrote it that way, which is the exact reason why nooooooo one wrote the headline ''US businessman Epstein and Ghislaine, both US citizens with Jewish roots caught trafficking hundreds of children.''
What's the issue here? I don't know you, already don't like you and will scroll by without interacting in any way as I'm sure most people will do. So why the note?
You are on a wanted list by one country I support in warfare, declared persona non grata by the other country I support but you visited the country I don't like so now I will write negative, irrelevant and above all stupefyingly dumb notes on the system X provided me.
Hold on. Do I see an opinion and a meme? Ohhh this must 100% get community noted:
Goddamn left just keeps abusing power wherever they are huh? Wait they even stole the meme and are using it against the right? Ohhhhh hell nah, this has to 1000% get community noted!
Hold on now lefty, there's a difference between ''killing ducks'' like those illegals did, and shooting ducks with a licensed gun while being white.
Meme-ing the entire world are you? Not without my pointless stupid input you're not!
So is there anything that's actually useful there? What, wait...what....this is....Oh gawd, time to quickly get me some XRP:
I almost forgot that this scam token/app existed:
Not used internet since the year 2000? I wonder how he got his Bitcoins then....🤔
JK of course but the point is yes, there actually are plenty of useful things there as well. But the way the system is set up now is like a dictionary where the words are not in alphabetical order and you have to read trough the entire book just to find that one word you were looking for.