Bitcoin breaks 100K and cringetubers are nowhere to be found

I have to call out these degens who quickly grab their camera and put a stupid smile on their hideous faces solely to gloat and mock crypto hodlers whenever there's a major crash or some vague project turned out to be a scam or rug pull.

I have to, because at times like these it's not us mocking someone for their losses, but celebrating our own success based on beliefs that turned out to be right (again). So yes there is a difference here.

But believe it or not when Bitcoin comes crashing down to 88K, they will be back. Yes they will have all sorts of new charts and irrelevant facts about how this time the most money was lost by a major part of the market which were mostly newcomers. They will try to cope and hope, trying to convince the OG Bitcoiner that they do wish us well and that they are merely doing all this to protect their viewers and ignorant new comers who will most likely lose money because this time.....oh this time it realllly is different. This time Bitcoin has a massive 2 trillion market cap and there are almost no gains to be made anymore but mostly losses for people who didn't get in already.

They will completely ghost their own viewers who call them out on the fact they've been warning everyone to not get in allllll the way back in 2018 when the first historic bull run occurred. Speaking of which though, Bitcoin basically pulled a 5x since then. That's an almost 500% increase in less than 6 years time.

Now I remember all sorts of videos and theories from back then telling us how it's all over now. That there's nowhere to go but down from here on out. That the hype is maxed out and the rich and cunning are waiting for the suckers to put money in a 20K Bitcoin, but its been a while so I can't find any of those videos. Not that I'd want to shame individuals like that anyway by putting just a few of them out there making these dumb claims. This isn't about one or two people doing this, they are almost a community on their own.

Now to be fair, some of those arguments are indeed valid. I would not put money in on a 100K Bitcoin either if I hadn't gotten in before. But be at least responsible enough to say that you don't know. That you are just an idiot with a camera and an internet connection sitting in his 💩🕳️ apartment making these ridiculous videos solely for that Adrev money YouTube is willing to pay you whilst simultaneously banning others from. Say that if someone really wants to get in, to at least wait for a healthy correction. Surely you must be aware of these things right? I mean, you are the so called ''expert'' who knows more about it than others who are actually involved right?

So what's next? Nothing new really, just rinse and repeat. That's what the cringetubers will do, that's what the OG Bitcoiners who've been in the game long enough will do.


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Geo-Political & Economical developments
Geo-Political & Economical developments

Things are almost never as they seem. If you sincerely think that world powers would spend their money and resources in order to just "help" citizens from foreign nations, you might want to ask yourself why they've been neglecting and out right murdering their own citizens for decades. What are their true motives for wanting to fund foreign (terror) groups, start global confrontations and wars? I'll let you in on a little secret; It has NOTHING to do with "human rights" nor "democracy".

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