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Dota 2 - PGL Arlington Major

By AskingAndQuestioning | Gaming! | 10 Aug 2022

The last Major event before the Dota 2 International has entered the playoff stage. Five teams were eliminated in the Group Stage, Soniqs (NA), Talon Esports (SEA), Thunder Awaken (SA), Natus Vincere (EEU), and Tundra Esports (WEU). The upper bracket of the playoffs has just wrapped up, with the lower bracket taking place tomorrow (8/10/22) starting at 16:00 UTC. This is what the current bracket looks like, however tomorrow's games are elimination matches and the remaining teams will start dwindling down even further.

PGL Arlington Bracket

PSG.LGD is still looking far and away better than most of the teams in attendance and it wouldn't be much of a surprise for them to take the whole event. They have dropped only a single game so far going 15-1 in the group stage and comfortably beating BOOM Esports in the first round of the upper bracket. Team Aster, who also had a fairly comfortable group stage going 10-4 also pulled off a convincing win against Fnatic. Both teams are likely to face off in the upper bracket final unless OG or Team Spirit have anything to say about it.

Meanwhile in the lower bracket, Evil Geniuses have made a solid rebound after struggling greatly in Day 1 of the group stage. Starting of the event 0-4, they managed to sweep both Team Spirit and Na'Vi finishing the group stages at 6-8. Although they barely made it to the playoffs, they seem to have found their form after the first day, unlike previous tournaments where they've struggled although continuously being the top seed from NA.

The teams this time around all seem pretty evenly matched and it has made for an exciting event thus far. The games are being streamed live on Twitch as well as on YouTube, in all different languages for everyone to enjoy.

As an NA Fanboy, I'm always rooting for Evil Geniuses. Who are you cheering for?

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