Deutsche Telekom begins mining Bitcoin

Europe’s largest telecommunications company is launching cryptocurrency mining.


Deutsche Telekom, which has 260 million customers, decided to start mining cryptocurrencies with the surplus of green energy. Already very active in the field of blockchain development.

Often criticized for its high energy consumption and its impact on the environment, Deutsche Telekom’s reasoning is surprising. The company plans to use bitcoin mining servers to absorb surplus energy produced by green energy. In some countries, when the weather is nice and the wind is strong, energy production explodes. This is due to the proliferation of sustainable energy projects in Germany and northern Europe. When its energy production peaks, energy prices collapse. Overproduction is therefore useless to see against productive. Using this surplus in cryptocurrency mining could allow to value a lost energy mass and generate profits.


An especially interesting project that could inspire many countries looking for solutions to regulate their energy flow. We will know in a few years whether this project is a success.

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Galaxie Crypto

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