
78% of the trades on Binance now involve Altcoins

The percentage of transactions involving altcoins is increasing sharply at the beginning of 2025. The trading rate on Binance’s central exchange platform reaches 78% for non-bitcoin-related transactions.


For comparison, in May 2024, the same percentage was 50%. Although this indicator shows us that interest in secondary cryptocurrencies to increase. Bitcoin remains dominant in terms of volume. Indeed, it represents 58% of the market capitalization and this despite the thousands of cryptocurrencies that exist.

Many investors are watching Ethereum closely because it is usually the explosion of its price that starts the rally on altcoins. Outside right now, the ecosystem’s number two is pretty quiet. It is also too early to know who will be the big winners of a possible price increase even if at the end of 2025 it was revealed that currencies access on payment systems and challenge protocols had the wind in their sails. The GameFi, NFT, AI or DePIN tokens have not yet had the expected success.

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Galaxie Crypto
Galaxie Crypto

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