Upcoming New Yield Farms On Polygon Network (Matic)

By fun2learn | fun2learn | 6 Nov 2021

In this article, I am going to briefly share 3 new yield farms on Polygon Network that are being launched really soon.

Getting in to a new farm while it is still hot can often give us really good APR reward but I have often seen the price of the tokens going down within a day or within weeks for some.

There are still some potential ones that may just get to last for a couple of weeks and give us a nice profit. Getting out at the right time would allow one to reap a profit in the short term since we cannot predict what will happen next to the confidence of the majority investors.

The following new yield farms have been audited by rugdoc with only some risk so the risk factor is still at the lower end based on rugdoc assessment.

Squid Game

The Squid Game is running on the Polygon Network(Matic) so we can really save on transaction fee. This yield farm is going to be launched today in less than half a day.

It has been successfully audited by Paladin and Rugdoc. The current price of its token is only $0.305.

The game starts the moment you harvest from your farm. 10% of your harvested amount goes to your wallet while 90% goes to the prize pool. (This may just stablise the price of its token since one cannot sell massively)

When the game starts, you need to guess the correct durable glass.

1st correct guess will allow us to win 10% of the formed prize pool. If guess wrongly, the prize pool tokens get burnt.

After guessing the 1st guess correctly, the 2nd correct guess will allow us to win 30% of the formed prize pool. If guess wrongly, the prize pool tokens get burnt.

After guessing the 2nd guess correctly, the 3rd correct guess will allow us to win 100% of the formed prize pool. If guess wrongly, the prize pool tokens get burnt.

In simple, we can see lots of its tokens can get burnt regularly with some of the fortunately ones getting more. This is a possible way to maintain the price of its token healthily if players and investors like this mode of yield farming with a game in-built with the harvest.

Click Here To Find Out More About The Squid Game 


This is a vegetable theme yield farm that started out on Binance Smart Chain.

It is going to launch its new farm on Polygon Network(Matic) in less than 2 days.

As usual, there are extremely high APR since not many have invested yet but as the time draws nearer, the APR usually will drop. Early birds can still get a really good APR usually.

This farm has been reviewed by Rugdoc under some risk. The price of its token at the point of this post is $1.417 and it is common to see the price rises when it is nearer to its launch date.

There is a good chance to earn a nice quick profit when one is not greedy as well as monitor the farm situation as well as the confidence level of investors.

Remember to switch the network to polygon at the top right-hand corner if you notice you are on Binance Smart Chain.

Click Here To Find Out More About Broccoli 

MotorCar Swap

This is another yield farm that has started out on Binance Smart Chain and it is starting its new farm on Polygon Network in less than 2 days.

The current price of its token is $1 on polygon and it is not too far from its price of about $0.90 on its farm on Binance Smart Chain.

It has been audited by Watchpug and reviewed by Rugdoc under some risk.

With a nice APR on its new farm on Polygon, its current supporters may just invest in this new farm.

Click Here To Find Out More About MotorCar Swap

Making The Right Judgement

No one can guarantee that new farms can definitely be successful but those who have been around would know that the chance of a new farm getting its token pumped is really high but knowing when to get out is how we can secure out profit.

For long term investors, we should do our research properly especially new farms may offer low price tokens that can be pumped many times.

I had recently missed out an opportunity to invest in a farm when its token dropped to about $6 but it was later pumped to more than $600. If I had invested a hundred dollar, I would have earned a nice $10 000 with a few days. (I can only feel the heartache for losing this opportunity)

The price of the tokens for all the three new farms are all under $2 so they are still not too expensive when we compared to those farms that started out with each token priced in hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

Once those expensive tokens get dumped, we really lose a big deal. Be careful if you ever go into such farms.

Hope you can research and make good judgement to earn a nice profit if you are going to give any of the above farms a try.

Thanks for reading and I do hope this article is useful to you.

Disclaimer: This is my personal reflection and I am not in any position to instruct anyone what they should do. I am not responsible for any action taken as a result of this post. My post can only be a reference for your further research and growth.

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