Day 14 : from 0 to 1 BTC : earnings so far 0,001 BTC (day 13)


As promised, I'm keeping you updated on my results. 

Today, I will do a shorter recap then the usual one (very busy at work....).

My goal was to accumulate yesterday 15 000 satoshis to reach 0,001 BTC. Target reached ! I am now officialy at 0,01% of my goal to acummulate 1 BTC in one year starting from 0!

Here are the results :

- Passive income : +0,000014 BTC

- L7trade arbitrage plateform :


- I've added 10 XLM and did 3 risk free arbitrage trade on the L7 trade  plateform for an average profit of 1,01% per trade.  Bankroll is now 48,44 XLM.

- profit : + 1,54 XLM, around 0,000014 BTC

What is L7 trade?

It's an arbitrage plateform. As you the prices of crypto assets might be different from on exchange to another. With this plateform you can buy low on one exchange and immediatly sell higher on another plateform (it's more complex than that but basically it is that). It's a risk free arbitrage.

If you want to give a try please use my referal link : .

For more information, I did a tuto of the plateform here

- cloud mining :

I've reached the min withdrawal yesterday (0,0005 BTC). I asked for a withdrawal this morning. Nothing yet . I am waiting to see i the withdrawal is ok (I already withdraw once but I am very carefull with these cloudmining offers before continuing to update the gains on this offer. I will keep you updated.

- Active income :

- Faucets claims : +0,00009 BTC


I have been very active mainly on the following faucets : 

Claim free coins




MoonCash - Bitcoin Cash

MoonDash - Dash

MoonLite - Litecoin

MoonBit - Bitcoin

MoonDoge - Dogecoin


- Pay to click offers : + 0,000032 BTC


More details on the 2 sites I am using here :


- Tipping : +0,14 DAI, around 0,000014 BTC

Thank you all for that. And if you want to support me, follow my journey and earn crypto at the same time ? Follow my blog and  join publish0x . You will be able to tip me or any author you like for free and earn a share of the tipping for you. It's free and quick !


And finally I continue to execute my strategy with trustdice : +0,000003 BTC


- claiming free ETH 3 times a day;

- playing it to accumulate free TXT token ;

- earning passive income (0,4% daily ).

885 TXT reached so far.

More on this strategy here :

I will adapt it a little. I will update on on this.


A few more things :

- I'm supposed to receive my Wirex Visa card in 3 days now ! More details here :

Can wait to win satoshis with my every day spending !



Have a nice day




You want to help me achieve my challenge?

Here is what you can do :

  • Try these amazing faucets to get free bitcoin:

Claim free coins:

Onebitco : Claim 7-14 satoshi every 5 minutes

Starbits : 5 satoshis every 5 minutes

Claimbits : 6 satoshis every 5 minutes

MoonCash - Bitcoin Cash

If you want to support my project and try this Faucet, please use this link (I'll gain 25% of what you will claim ) :

MoonDash - Dash

If you want to support my project and try this Faucet, please use this link (I'll gain 25% of what you will claim ) :

MoonLite - Litecoin

If you want to support my project and try this Faucet, please use this link (I'll gain 25% of what you will claim ) :

MoonBit - Bitcoin

If you want to support my project and try this Faucet, please use this link (I'll gain 50% of what you will claim ) :

MoonDoge - Dogecoin

If you want to support my project and try this Faucet, please use this link (I'll gain 25% of what you will claim ) :

Thank you very much in advance !

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Crypto enthusiast. I challenged myself to accumulate 1 bitcoin starting from 0 in 1 year. I'll share with you this journey

From 0 to 1 Bitcoin challenge
From 0 to 1 Bitcoin challenge

Crypto enthusiast. I challenged myself to accumulate 1 bitcoin starting from 0 in 1 year. I'll share with you this journey.

Send a $0.01 microtip in crypto to the author, and earn yourself as you read!

20% to author / 80% to me.
We pay the tips from our rewards pool.