day 10 : from 0 to 1 BTC - update on my arbitrage strategy

Hi every one.

As promised, I'm keeping you updated on my  investment trough the plateform .

I have added 10 additionnal XLM to the plateform (I converted in xlm the BTC earned via the Faucets as explained here

Here are my results so far :


So far it's doing quite well : +12% in 5 days, risk free. I earned +3,56 xlm, about 3100 satoshis.

More than these short terms gains I am very happy by the rate. If I can substain 3% a day (wich means doing 2,5 trade a day as the average arbitrage is around 1,4%), I will achieve 23% per week !

Let's see what my current investment of 3000 satoshis will becom at this rate in 1 year (52 weeks):



1,4 Bitcoin ! I will transform in 52 weeks 3000 satoshis in 1,4 BTC ! Thats the strengh of compound interest!

Of course , this will probably not en like that :

- The arbitrage opportunity might disappear (usually the market improve as it matures and this kinf of opportunity doesn't last);

- I may withdraw some of these profit for safety reasons (not wanting to keep all that on a plateform that can be hacked)...

But for the moment it motivates me a lot ! I will continue to execute de daily risk free arbitrage. The only things have to do is to check many times a day the site for arbitrage opportunity and execute them. It takes 30 secondes and persistance ! 

Here how i did my first abitrage, step by step :

What is L7 trade?


It's an arbitrage plateform. As you the prices of crypto assets might be different from on exchange to another. With this plateform you can buy low on one exchange and immediatly sell higher on another plateform (it's more complex than that but basically it is that). It's a risk free arbitrage.

How much can I make?

The arbitrage opportunities are around 5% but the plateform uses a lot of intermediary to achieve the arbitrage so there are fees involve and in the end I think I will make between 1 and 2% per arbitrage. Assuming I can do it 3 times a day that's an average of 5% a day ! 

What is the minimum to trade ?

That's why i choose to convert my BTC in XLM : the mimum are very high in BTC or LTC but starts at 20 XLM (around 2$) plus XLM has no fees so it's easier to arbitrate.

When my bankroll will increase I will also arbitrage other crypto (BTC, ETH and LTC I think), as I have the impression the arbitrage opportunities are bigger on these coins.


If you want to give a try please use my referal link : it will help me a lot to reach my goal !

Have a good day



You want to help me achieve my challenge?

Here is what you can do :

  • Try these amazing faucets to get free bitcoin:

Claim free coins:

Onebitco : Claim 7-14 satoshi every 5 minutes

Starbits : 5 satoshis every 5 minutes

Claimbits : 6 satoshis every 5 minutes

MoonCash - Bitcoin Cash

If you want to support my project and try this Faucet, please use this link (I'll gain 25% of what you will claim ) :

MoonDash - Dash

If you want to support my project and try this Faucet, please use this link (I'll gain 25% of what you will claim ) :

MoonLite - Litecoin

If you want to support my project and try this Faucet, please use this link (I'll gain 25% of what you will claim ) :

MoonBit - Bitcoin

If you want to support my project and try this Faucet, please use this link (I'll gain 50% of what you will claim ) :

MoonDoge - Dogecoin

If you want to support my project and try this Faucet, please use this link (I'll gain 25% of what you will claim ) :

Thank you very much in advance !



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Crypto enthusiast. I challenged myself to accumulate 1 bitcoin starting from 0 in 1 year. I'll share with you this journey

From 0 to 1 Bitcoin challenge
From 0 to 1 Bitcoin challenge

Crypto enthusiast. I challenged myself to accumulate 1 bitcoin starting from 0 in 1 year. I'll share with you this journey.

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