Day 10 : from 0 to 1 BTC - my results so far : 0,0005 BTC (day 9)


As promised, I'm keeping you updated on my results. 

0,0005 BTC : 0,05% of my challenge reached. I plan to reach 0,001 in less than 5 days. I think I can do it if I continue at the current pace.

Again a very good day yesterday : about +10000 satohis, thanks to my passive income strategy that bring today most of the earnign with close to 0 efforts. 

A few comments:

- my daily free bitcoin revenue pace has TRIPLE now  since the beginning of my challenge (9 days ago). I was has you may remember earning around 3000 satohis in the first days (here). and it was quite hard (only faucets)  My goal is to double it every 10 days from now on. 

- most of it comes today from passive income. I am going to continue with Faucets but I think I will have to stop one day . I think I will do it whan my non passive incomes fall below 10% of my passive income.  

In details :



Passive income

- (L7 trade) : I added 10 xlm to this account. 2 trades yesterday. More details here :


What is L7 trade?

It's an arbitrage plateform. As you the prices of crypto assets might be different from on exchange to another. With this plateform you can buy low on one exchange and immediatly sell higher on another plateform (it's more complex than that but basically it is that). It's a risk free arbitrage.

If you want to give a try please use my referal link : .


- free cloud mining with Hashrich : 0.0007 BTC since yesterday update


- 195 GH/s of free cloud mining reached : 150 GH/s with my strategy (more below) and 45 Gh/s thanks to you !(I earn 5 GH/s by referal)   

- more on it here :

Don't hesitate to subscribe. it's free, it will takes you 15 seconds, and you will earned (for all long, we don't know, but it's free) about 2000 satoshis daily. If you use my referral code il will also help me : I will gain 5Gh/s, about 200 satoshis daily ! So thank you in advance it will help me a lot !

Faucet claims :

I have my routine now : using as much as I can the followings faucets :

Claim free coins




And uses the following every hour or 2 :

MoonCash - Bitcoin Cash

MoonDash - Dash

MoonLite - Litecoin

MoonBit - Bitcoin

MoonDoge - Dogecoin


Again thank you all for the tipping.

Last thing : I am  running a follower contest on my twitter account to gain new followers. There are free satoshis to win. You can, if you want (thank you if you do it !) participate here :


Have a good night



You want to help me achieve my challenge?

Here is what you can do :

  • Try these amazing faucets to get free bitcoin:

Claim free coins:

Onebitco : Claim 7-14 satoshi every 5 minutes

Starbits : 5 satoshis every 5 minutes

Claimbits : 6 satoshis every 5 minutes

MoonCash - Bitcoin Cash

If you want to support my project and try this Faucet, please use this link (I'll gain 25% of what you will claim ) :

MoonDash - Dash

If you want to support my project and try this Faucet, please use this link (I'll gain 25% of what you will claim ) :

MoonLite - Litecoin

If you want to support my project and try this Faucet, please use this link (I'll gain 25% of what you will claim ) :

MoonBit - Bitcoin

If you want to support my project and try this Faucet, please use this link (I'll gain 50% of what you will claim ) :

MoonDoge - Dogecoin

If you want to support my project and try this Faucet, please use this link (I'll gain 25% of what you will claim ) :

Thank you very much in advance !

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Crypto enthusiast. I challenged myself to accumulate 1 bitcoin starting from 0 in 1 year. I'll share with you this journey

From 0 to 1 Bitcoin challenge
From 0 to 1 Bitcoin challenge

Crypto enthusiast. I challenged myself to accumulate 1 bitcoin starting from 0 in 1 year. I'll share with you this journey.

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