Digital Surge Exit Complete (For Now)


Withdrawals from Digital Surge were enabled at 10am this morning Sydney time (9am AEST), and I have successfully transferred out my remaining assets, so only now have the remaining distribution to be paid out over the next 5 years in $AUD, should Digital Surge survive that long.

I had issues using the desktop app, I was getting TOTP error which I think was a failure to prompt to enter 2FA authenticator code and then auto failing, I don't know if that was an issue on my end or elsewhere but when entering on mobile app it all worked fine and all assets are now safe in their new homes, & confirmed arrived.  Withdrawal was quick and only small withdrawal fees for my assets at least.

I had previously withdrawn assets prior to the freeze, so I already had 2FA set up and authorised external wallets.  I also had my external wallets set up and ready to go.


How to use cold/hot wallets:


Previous blogs on Digital Surge situation:


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