Begin with faucet in rich countries // in poor countries

By c4val3r | french_not_fresh_crypto | 26 Sep 2020

Here is the beginning of a series of articles about faucets, Why using them? Are they profitable? My brain tells me to complete the wild captcha... Could you gain some profits from them? How to choose? and Where?

Firts everybody knows what a faucet is BUT a little reminder for others: a faucet is a mean to obtain a dust of crypto/token by completing a captcha or by doing tasks as visiting a website and clicking here here and here. There are 2 categories:

  • some projects which want to increase the number of people aware of them by distributing a tiny amount of coins/tokens,
  • some websites which live thanks to you, they expose ad everywhere, you complete a captcha and each 5 minutes you repeat it to gain 2.10-6 Litecoin or 0.000002, some give more. But be aware that when a project can pay you up to 50% more if you have referrals it means if you, haven't they pay you 66% of what your clicks/views deserve (at least),
  • some apps are based on the same principle, and some are worth it (Cointiply), in 1 month I won 17$ by testing game and completing captcha, viewing ad,

In some faucets they offer you to pay you interest if you maintain an amout of token/coin on their "wallet", it's up to you if you want to try it.

So with that people understand that faucet are a bad mean to be rich, but it really depends. If you live in Colombia:

convert rate 09/20/2020

Why 0.28€? 


If you apply the conversion rate 0.28 ->1 ,236.53 COP and not 1,222 COP. What you need to live depends on prices practice in your country/town. A little different, but it's "Amazon", for you daylife needs the gap is bigger between the 2 countries. I double-checked every price and it's the same If you buy in COP it's cheaper for these products.

Faucet as mining (yes! 0.50$ worth of bitcoin in a day, it's easier to be rich with faucets....) have the same rules. In rich country you have to invest in lower project, coins that have a low value and bet on the future, whereas in average/poor country you have more opportunities. Price of electricity cheaper so your mining will be more efficient (or less unprofitable). With that if it's more profitable you can refer more people. I use some faucet to win coins/tokens that i hope have a future and could be usable one day. But in my friend circle people don't really understand why I do that. And those who understand, find this way is troublesome and tiring.

So if you want to use faucet, do it, but choose coins that will go up, stakable coins, make profitable your profits. How to choose that what we will see in the second chapter of Begin with faucet

Consuming less makes spending less.

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The worst french football analyst but we talk about crypto here


Hello, Here I give a try to share my learning on the crypto/token world. To explain some cognitive bias that can cloud our judgment. So i'm french and let's pratice. If you want to propose subject I could search on it and give my results here.

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