

French biohacking which seeks to develop/popularize biohacking in France. Promotes knowledge. Become your own version 2.0.

Thiamine: The Essential Element for Optimal Health

8 May 2024 9 minute read 0 comments Esprit érudit touche-à-tout

Thiamine, also known as vitamin B1, is a water-soluble vitamin crucial for the proper functioning of the nervous system and muscles. It cannot be synthesized by humans or animals, necessitating its acquisition through diet. Synthesized by bacteria, p...

Discover my journey with Bulk™: 5 years of success in biohacking and bodybuilding !

23 Mar 2024 1 minute read 0 comments Esprit érudit touche-à-tout

Hi all, I wanted to take a moment to share with you my experience with Bulk™, a supplement supplier that I have used for several years now.   Bulk™, formerly known as Bulk Powders, is a brand that has quickly established itself in the world of sports...

Taurine: Much More Than Just an Amino Acid

11 Mar 2024 7 minute read 0 comments Esprit érudit touche-à-tout

  Taurine: an ally for mental and physical health   Taurine (2-aminoethanesulfonic acid) stands out as one of the most abundant amino acids in the brain, spinal cord, eyes, and virtually every tissue in the body. Every region of your brain, including...

GPT-4 et Perplexity.ia vous dévoilent la recette ultime du mug cake protéiné à 1000kcal pour une explosion de saveurs et de muscles !

16 Jul 2023 4 minute read 0 comments Esprit érudit touche-à-tout

Mug Cake Protéiné de 1000 kcal : La recette parfaite pour les amateurs de fitness coût de la recette environ 1,80€ Vous cherchez une recette de mug cake sucré et protéiné pour satisfaire vos envies gourmandes tout en maintenant un apport calorique é...

GPT-4 and Perplexity.ia unveil the ultimate recipe for the 1000kcal protein mug cake for an explosion of flavors and muscles!

16 Jul 2023 3 minute read 0 comments Esprit érudit touche-à-tout

1000 kcal Protein Mug Cake: The perfect recipe for fitness enthusiasts. Cost of the recipe about $2.02 Are you looking for a sweet and protein mug cake recipe to satisfy your gourmet cravings while maintaining a high-calorie intake? Do not look any...

Comprendre la résistance à l'insuline pour une santé optimale.

18 Jun 2023 11 minute read 0 comments Esprit érudit touche-à-tout

Qu'est-ce que l'insuline ? Avant de plonger dans le concept de résistance à l'insuline, il est important de comprendre ce qu'est réellement l'insuline. L'insuline est une hormone produite par le pancréas, une petite glande située dans notre abdomen....

Understanding insulin resistance for optimal health.

18 Jun 2023 8 minute read 0 comments Esprit érudit touche-à-tout

What is insulin? Before diving into the concept of insulin resistance, it's important to understand what insulin actually is. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas, a small gland located in our abdomen. Its main role is to regulate the amount...

How Nootropics Can Improve Your Love Life!

5 Feb 2023 4 minute read 0 comments Esprit érudit touche-à-tout

Want to improve your love life? Nootropics are the solution! In this article, we will show you how these substances can improve your self-confidence, your communication, your memory and even your sexual performance. We'll also walk you through the be...

Comment les nootropiques peuvent améliorer votre vie amoureuse !

5 Feb 2023 5 minute read 0 comments Esprit érudit touche-à-tout

Vous voulez améliorer votre vie amoureuse ? Les nootropiques sont la solution ! Dans cet article, nous allons vous montrer comment ces substances peuvent améliorer votre confiance en vous, votre communication, votre mémoire et même votre performance...

Noopept: the future of nootropics.

30 Jan 2023 4 minute read 0 comments Esprit érudit touche-à-tout

Definition of Noopept: Noopept is a nootropic that is used to improve memory, learning ability, and overall cognitive function. It is considered a form of piracetam, but with stronger effects and faster absorption. Noopept is also considered a neurop...