Rolls and rolls with a Greek yogurt recipe that you will prepare again and again… It is really delicious. These rolls with Greek yogurt are extremely tasty empty, without filling, but rolls with Greek yogurt can be wrapped in hot dogs / hot dogs, ham and cheese, jam, marmalade, or jam - it all depends on what you have at a given time of preparation. The written recipe continues just below the video recommendations for similar but really great homemade bun recipes that you must try
Add flour, sugar, and yeast to the bowl. The exact quantities are written in the video recipe and above in the list of ingredients (it says: openings for the list of ingredients)
Now add lukewarm milk, stir and let the yeast rise for the next 10-15 minutes
After the time has elapsed add Greek yogurt, melted butter, and vinegar (vinegar)
TIP: It is best to use apple cider vinegar for salads, but it can also be alcoholic vinegar but the one for salads, not for winter and not stronger than 5%
TIP2: Why put vinegar in vinegar dough? Due to the looseness, regulation of dough acidity, and specific softness when used. It’s an old baking trick to make the pastry just the way you expect it, especially and specifically without you really like the taste. Don’t skip this step but if for some reason, you’re very skeptical, don’t put it off because of those prejudices of your own. It’s all for the people and I respect just about everyone’s decision
Mix everything well and mix the remaining same flour with salt in a separate bowl. I repeat the exact quantities are written above in the video and the list of ingredients above
Add half of the flour and mix well for 3-4 minutes and then add the remaining flour, half. With a food processor, lift and separate the dough from the base, then knead the ball of dough by hand. First in a bowl and then transfer to a substrate. Everything is clearly shown in the video
Lightly flour the bowl and put a ball of dough inside and lightly flour on top and cover or cover for the next 45 minutes
TIP: It wouldn’t be bad to get up in some warm place. For example, in a switched off the lukewarm oven or next to a stove or radiator. If, on the other hand, in the summer period when you make these rolls and rolls with Greek yogurt, then it doesn't matter, it can be at room temperature.
After the time has elapsed, mix the dough well again
TIP: You now have two options. Namely, you can prepare empty rolls or stuffed rolls with the filling of your choice
If you are going to prepare a stuffed version of rolls, roll out the dough thinly in a circle as for a thicker pizza, say only 3-4 millimeters thick.
13. Cut the rolls into triangles with a knife, then stuff according to the recommendation shown in the video and wrap
14. If you are going to prepare an empty version of muffins, in that case, do not roll out the dough into a circle but divide it into 16 equal parts/balls and roll each thin as a slightly thicker pancake, say and wrap and bend and connect the ends or tops with your fingers. At the beginning of the video, pay attention to the video display. Everything is clearly shown
15. Coat with a brush and a little oil and place on a sheet also coated with oil, and leave to rise for the next half hour at room temperature. Do not put it on baking paper, if I have advised you to do so. It will be far tastier
16. If you have decided on the stuffed version, then wrap them and also coat with a little oil and leave to rise for 30 minutes
17. Buns and muffins with Greek yogurt are baked for 20 minutes at 210 C.
18. When baked, coat with a brush and very little oil for shine and visual effect but also taste and serve