NEW Task For Sei's Possible Airdrop (Ends 23rd April)

By FIP Crypto | FIP Crypto | 21 Apr 2023

Sei Sunken Treasures has been re-released for another 24 hours, could this be another criteria for the Sei airdrop? 

Find out how to qualify for this airdrop here:

If you'd like to receive this NFT, feel free to comment with your Sei wallet address below 👇

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FIP Crypto
FIP Crypto

Hi! I'm Gideon, a guy from Singapore who's really passionate about cryptocurrencies! The crypto world can be really daunting. I aim to provide you with practical tips to help you navigate the world of crypto.

FIP Crypto
FIP Crypto

Hi! I'm Gideon, a guy from Singapore who's really passionate about cryptocurrencies! The crypto world can be really daunting. I aim to provide you with practical tips to help you navigate the world of crypto. Follow me at @FIPCrypto on YouTube and TikTok for more content!

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