Our Loving Reactions can Change the World

By turuncu | Feelings | 5 Feb 2021

Awareness isn't just about seeing well. I just don't see the bad guys. Awareness is a skill that allows us to be aware of the situation and reality and to broaden our perspective. To interpret the truth from a single point of view and perceive it as the only truth will mislead us. Maybe it basically makes sense. But even if it's totally true, it's ultimately part of the truth.

Discussions often arise because we think our point of view is the absolute and the only truth, but we do not perceive other points of view. One of us thinks the rose is red and the other is green because most of it consists of green leaves. So if we can grasp it better, we will understand that a rose is a plant with a flower part, branches and leaves. We say all roses are red until we realize that there are roses of other colors.

Our brain interprets reality according to past experiences we have gained from our senses. Moreover, it is not enough to perceive only visually to fully perceive the reality. Our sense of hearing, touch, taste should also be included.

We also have a stronger intuition than our other senses, but we don't know how we use it. We don't even know we are using it. We can feel sad next to a sad friend. We use our intuition even when it comes to observations and inferences. Even if that friend is not with us, their emotions can reach us. Sometimes when we go to an environment, room or anywhere, even if no one is with us, our intuition perceives the energy there and our emotional state changes. For example, we visit rented homes to move to a new home. While we feel uncomfortable when we enter one house, we feel much better at another house. Moreover, the house we feel good in is smaller than the other, even if the other house is logically more attractive ...

Our intuition is active. It gets stronger when we listen to it. We can listen to our logic and choose a bigger, more comfortable home. Or we can choose the small house that is good for us. Choosing the big house and cleaning it energetically is also an option.

We are material, spiritual; We interact with everything human, animal, living and non-living. We both affect them and are affected by them. When I feel angry, it is very difficult for me to reasonably explain how I met more angry people. I've experienced this a lot. For example, even though I know that the person who comes across me is angry on days when I feel good about myself, I also know that after a short conversation he relaxes and leaves.

We are the transmitter and receiver. This is a simple analogy 😂 Maybe we are water droplets in the ocean. We are intertwined with everything that exists. We both affect each other and are affected by each other. The nice thing here is that we have the ability to transform things, thoughts, feelings, energies that we are affected by. We can call this development or experience. But it's bigger than that ... When we transform the energy we are affected by in a situation into positive, we contribute both to ourselves and to the whole. Two birds in one stone ...

When we make someone happy, we contribute positively to both ourselves and them. When we smile, we both feel good and make those who see us feel good. When our internal and external reactions to the events we experience change, we energetically change this situation and improve it by transforming it into positive.

Imagine this. When you feel bad, you say a word to the other person in anger. And he looks into your eyes tenderly and hugs you lovingly. What happens in this situation? You will feel his love, and it will change your emotional and mental state and energy.

Our reactions change our lives. But if this is compatible with our internal and external reactions, the transforming power is incredibly high. The real transformation is within us. This spreads outside. But when we change our reactions, it creates change. When we experience an inner transformation, our reactions change. When our reactions change, we transform internally.

If we love, let's show it so that our world can change. There is a paradise within us. Let this heaven be our world. Our language, body and mind can reflect the beauty within us. This is an incredible addition to the universe. We see the beauty of rose and breathe its fragrance. We can thank rose and the universe with a smile ...

Even a sincere thank you creates magnificent effects.

Do you feel better with someone smiling, whining and complaining all day long? Frankly, I prefer the sincere and honest one. 😂

There are also people who speak softly. But I've also experienced how painful the same language can be. 😁 Sometimes you have hundreds of good reactions and you can reverse everything with one reaction. This is usually caused by repressed emotions. Therefore, people who do not suppress their emotions and live where they are needed are both happier and the people around them are happy.

Our reactions are very important ... It is also important that we react. For example, you got angry with someone but you didn't react. (Of course not to shout in anger.) Communication is possible.

As long as emotions are expressed, it is possible to live a fluent, happy and enjoyable life. Why would it be bad to compliment someone when I like someone ... If I don't express my love with all my heart, what is the meaning of love for the woman I love? 🥰 Isn't it a great pleasure to hug a sweet little boy with love and make him smile?

It shouldn't be too hard to thank the cashier at the grocery store we go to every day and wish them a good day. "Good Morning!" Simple but not so beautiful for our neighbor as we leave the house in the morning?

Why would it be wasteful to buy coffee for our friend who reserved a place for us on the shuttle bus?

Who can prevent us from expressing that we love something other than ourselves?

Thank you for reading. With Love

First published on read.cash by me.


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