πŸŒΎπŸ‘¨β€πŸŒΎπŸ‘©β€πŸŒΎπŸŒΎ Yield Farming: How to harvest two BAL yields AT ONCE!

By favicon | fav | 23 Jun 2020

On Balancer the yield farming is in full speed, and if you're interested in this honest work, here's a little yield hack

https://balancer.exchange/#/swap https://balancer.exchange/#/swap

Buy BTC++

http://www.predictions.exchange/balancer/None http://www.predictions.exchange/balancer/None

And put it to work in the BTC++ / WETH pool

Here's what's happening on the fields

http://www.predictions.exchange/balancer/None http://www.predictions.exchange/balancer/None

BTC++ is a basket containing WBTC 25% imBTC 25% pBTC 25% sBTC 25% and maybe you guessed it already, but the pool of the underlying BTC assets is ALSO farming yield on BAL. And by holding/using BTC++ you passively farm the underlying field too!

Learn More about BTC++ & PieDAO: https://piedao.org/#/


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