The Pi Browser app and Pi mobile Wallet

By FAH2021 | FadilHarsH | 10 Apr 2021

The Pi Browser app and Pi mobile Wallet

Pi network introduce there Pi Browser and the mobile Pi Wallet for Android and IOS.
10a4374196bbe09f957ab3e630bacc41b4e4cee323ecf8ac5619b5afa0639963.png Please make sure you're downloading the official Pi Browser app from the Core Team and beware of fake wallets or scams.


The Pi Browser is basically the new interface of the Pi Apps/Utilities Platform. As a general-purpose browser tool, it is still primitive, but it is the only browser that can support Pi applications. The more changes and features will be added later.

Mobile version of the Pi Wallet inside the Pi Browser app. So, if you have not created your wallet through the desktop version, please download the Pi Browser app and create your wallet there. If your not a Pi network member. Click the link and join with me to earn pi.

Can earn free pi coins. Almost more the 3 million members join in pi network and earning. Before launch join with us. Already predicted per pi coin was worth $100. Check out Google and for more information. 



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