You're Losing Bitcoin Without Knowing It

The title states the beginning to a big veil that's been covering your eyes for ages.

For as long as most of us can remember, we've been too busy to be able to chase our passion. My passion is working on something that can explode exponentially. Building a company or a project to infinity and beyond is what i am passionate about. It is what I love doing. It is what I enjoy doing, and not doing that because of school and academics is killing me day by day - the only thing that keeps me alive through it is knowing that I can work on a new business in the 4 month holiday I'll have between the final exams and my first day of college. I know that my 16 hour work days for those 4 months might be enough to convince my parents to let me take a 1 year gap after school. It also relies on me getting a grade that is at the top 1%. something equivalent to a 4.0 gpa, not a 3.945 or 3.99. A 4.0.

That's just my life for the next 8 months. The finals are in 8 months. I study day and night just to catch up and be able to move faster than my classmates because I know my teachers are behind the pace of the syllabus. We're 8 months out and are still learning. We're supposed to be revising the curriculum and not still learning new material. I need to get this mark or else I don't get a scholarship and my longterm future is absolutely fucked.


So uh yeah...that's my life. If you comment your life down below, you can trust that i'll read it and literally respond in paragraphs - just because i can and have the time for it. 


Cheers to our futures.

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