Worldcoin was a brand new project at one point, but only recently had it began scaling into the millions of users which had placed it on some sort of list that would place it under heavy scrutiny and constant investigation by law enforcement organisations across the globe.
Worldcoin hadn't broken any laws, but it's the projects' idea that conflicts with a governments' interests. They don't want a population that is free to do whatever they want, they want a busy, mindless population that'll follow their orders and pay their taxes on time. What worldcoin claims to strive to do is revolutionize the way humans live by making AI do all the work for us and then we get a payment every month just for being human. The problem here is that work would then cease to exist and the idea of an economy will also cease to exist. There won't be anything to strive for in life. A lot of people will be stuck with nothing to do other than drive themselves into a dark hole of degeneracy which might just be the aim of the project.
Regardless, worldcoin is being investigated under the clause of misuse of data and potentially collecting too much data, sometimes known and referred to as "Privacy infringement". I'm no law enforcement expert but I do believe that the majority of people that have signed up to the project have also had their eyeballs scanned, which ultimately means that they've also agreed to share private and confidential information such as possible underlying health conditions, the color of their eye, your biometric scan (the orbs don't just scan your eyes, they also scan your face via face recognition.), and gender as well. Believe it or not, your eyes do give away your gender, and their AI is trained to list you as male or female depending on your eyes.
I hope this article has opened your eyes to what the activities of the worldcoin organisation and had assisted in educating you about their respective facts and potential future activities.