Why Ampleforth Is Up 300%+

Small market cap tokens are quite interesting; they're all the hype right now since we're all just basically waiting for bitcoin to move significantly. While we wait, a lot of new investors have been slapping money into tokens like ampleforth, a token that was recently supported on publish0x. Since the removal from publish0x, it's gone up 3x. I withdrew 20$ from this website in ampleforth not that long ago. It's currently 70$. I still can't really believe it. 

I'm incredibly thankful for such an opportunity like that to just..fall into my laps. Just remember that this is luck. No hard work went into that. It was literally all luck. 

I recently heard this quote from Alex Hormozi: "The work doesn't care."

He was talking about how working and just getting the work done is more important than caring about anything else. Andrew tate once said that money is everything. Every rich person I know agrees with that statement.  Regardless, if you're looking to make it big, don't rely on luck; it's a 1-in-a-million chance for you to 3x your capital.  Just do the work you know you need to do because the work doesn't care if you're a good person, a lazy person, or the next david goggins. The work just needs to be done.

Also, this is why ampleforth had shot up. (they're now apart of aave's lending program)


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