Thoughts on XRP: For Project Founders

XRP isn't the best place for hosting your project. I'm sure it's extremely enticing with its amazing and large marketcap that is constantly growing, but the projects built on XRP that actively use their blockchain aren't doing well. This is because it isn't new-dev friendly at all. Not to mention how you need a ton of money just to get into xrp, which also means that it isn't beginner friendly either. 5-10$ depending on the price of XRP just to hold XRP. It's a joke.  It seriously doesn't want its community to grow, they just want xrp holders, they don't want an ecosystem. If they did, they'd work on their ecosystem, but to nobody's surprise; they don't work on their ecosystem. They're likely in it for the short-term, or that's atleast how I see it. The founding team doesn't want xrp to last 25 years, they aren't planning for it atleast. 

It comes as a direct contrast to the ecosystems we can see taking place in ethereum, bitcoin, and cardano. They've all got flourishing projects under their tokenization system which genuinely helps keep new investors retained over several years. It especially helps considering the fact that they're in it for the long-run. 

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