Life is weird. People are late to things, they dread things, their mentalities shift drastically over time and are generally subject to manipulation from things they see. I don’t know where this quote comes from, but it goes something like “You become what you give your attention to.”, this is 100% the case. All of the time. If you’re giving your attention to making your life better and getting rich, staying in shape, maintaining relationships, and creating new friends while simultaneously living new experiences, you’ll become exactly just that. It’ll all root out of making as much money as you humanly can. This is due to the fact that making money is an adventure in of itself. If you make money, you will find yourself being consumed by work and eventually being able to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Just make sure that your “compound vehicle” isn’t a low leverage opportunity. Something like a blue collar job is good for income to fund your business, but there’s a point where (if your business succeeds) you’ll be able to quit and pursue making money or your respective compound vehicle respectively. When I say compound vehicle, I simply refer to something that can compound on itself depending on the amount of effort you put into it. A good example of a good compound vehicle could be a company, the more you grow it, the more exponential the results become, but if you’re ranking up in a bluechip tech job hierarchy, the results aren’t exponential.. They don’t 10x onto themselves after 1-3 years of constant hard effort. There’s always a cap of 1-3 million dollars if you’re a tech executive and it takes decades. With the same amount of effort into a business for 1 decade, you will EASILY make 1-3 million dollars a year – this ofcourse assumes you’re a hard worker and are not looking to simply create a micro business that generates 300k a year. They’re called micro-SaaS businesses (small software as a service business generate 300-600k$ a year in revenue.) A good example would be blender, the 3D modelling app that a ton of 3d modelers and architects use on a consistent and daily basis. The matter of fact is that they receive revenue through donations and not through traditional sales, and they’re still worth millions of millions of dollars…this shows how if you provide value for others, you’ll receive value in return over an extended period of time. Blender had taken this concept to the moon and beyond.
The interesting thing is that the majority of millionaires are simply individuals with an above average fluid and logical level of reasoning and intelligence. The thing is, all of those very millionaires think they’re better than everyone else, that’s a genuine prerequisite to becoming wealthy. It’s just how it is. You won’t want to chase more if you don’t think highly of yourself. So start thinking highly of yourself before it’s too late. You might just end up living under a bridge if you don’t check yourself every now and then.