Bitcoin's price has recently shot up by 2.2% in just one day, catching the attention of many people. People are wondering why this happened. One reason behind this surge is that some folks are losing confidence in the Federal Reserve, which is like the "bank" for the whole United States. The Federal Reserve has been making big decisions lately, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. They've been printing a lot of money and keeping interest rates really low to help the economy. But some people are worried that this might cause problems like inflation, which is when prices go up a lot, or make the U.S. dollar less stable. When people start to worry about the Federal Reserve and traditional banks, they often turn to alternatives like Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a type of digital money that's not controlled by any one bank or government. It has a limited supply, and that makes it attractive to some people as a way to protect their money when things get shaky in the traditional financial system. So, when folks begin to lose trust in regular banks, they sometimes put their money into Bitcoin because they think it's a safer place to keep it. But remember, Bitcoin's price can be really up and down, and it's influenced by lots of things. So, if you're thinking about investing in it, make sure you do your homework and be careful because it's a bit of a wild ride. The following set of statistics are actually quite important when it comes up to understanding where crypto is going to end up going.
The Crypto Industry is Now Exploding
By Orbital Blogs | Factual/Opinion Articles | 27 Sep 2023
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