Polygon Vs. Algorand: Community Analysis

I've felt like writing this article for a while. The 2 communities are extremely different. Polygon is hypercompetitive and tends to safeguard funds for each respective project. The community isn't as tight-knit but that's likely contributed to larger separate communities in each project. 

Algorand's communities are very tight knit and tend to work together. Most projects are open to advertising and allow for competing projects to participate in their communities. The only thing is; there's not much money to go around. The TVL is alot lower in comparison to Polygon which might make sense as to why there's more of a family-like feel with everything. Not as much competition can be blamed on the fact that there's literally not that many projects. Over time they've just realized that it's better for them to embrace these other projects than to criticize them or limit their growth by not allowing them to advertise. 

Polygon is hyper-competitive. With over $100,000,000 in its' total TVL, this makes sense. I'm talking absolute ruthlessness. Everyone in polygon is ALWAYS working. They don't sleep. There's no such thing as a timezone in most polygon-based projects. Their user bases are big enough to genuinely have people from all over the world. 

It's just how hypercompetitive blockchains function; money doesn't sleep. I've gotten used to it now as a project founder. I've had to absolutely transform just how competitive I can be. I'm likely going to stay on polygon because I know I'd be a better fit here. Especially considering everything that's going on in the world right now. I'd rather be hypercompetitive than be in a tight knit community that doesn't push you to be better.


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