The world of crypto has always been split into two. There’s been the mature set of individuals that are in crypto to make a living and be sustainable, and then there are the immature adults that are in crypto to joke around as they don’t respect the idea of monetary value. I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I certainly believe that it is true.
Right before we continue, I have to show you how Vitalik Buterin has covered immaturity in this space in the past:
This sometimes bleeds into how people take financial losses and how you personally react to financial losses. Most of the time, people tend to YOLO their life savings after all hope is gone. This has become all the more normalized with the rise of extremely volatile cryptocurrencies and .eth usernames…
It’s time for us crypto holders to genuinely get our act straight - we’re no longer 18 (some of us are but my point still stands), we’re now approaching our late 20s. It’s been 5 years since the pop off of bitcoin in 2018. Crypto is now a mainstream financial tool that everyone in the modern side of the world has instant access to. To be fair, only about 20 countries support bitcoin - in all other countries in the world, people have to pay 20%-50% premiums just to get their hands on bitcoin. Isn’t that just insane? No wonder bitcoin isn’t at a higher price - it’s because nobody has access to it. Only the modern world does - which is likely why there is a lot of immaturity in the space. If we had lawyers and doctors from Cyprus or Lebanon buying crypto.. let’s just say that there wouldn’t be much joking around. People have their lives at stake, and some of these people are simply more mature than others.
Regardless, the first step as we’ve established above, is to take crypto seriously. This isn’t a joke. You only live ONCE.
The 2nd step is to manage your risk and set boundaries for what you’re willing to lose. A safe amount is 5% in the negative. Not 50% like most investors get nowadays. I personally have made over 400%, but that’s on 25% of my whole portfolio. Which means the original amount was roughly 7% of my portfolio. This will not be you. If it is, don’t continue doing it once it is 25% of your portfolio. You’re not looking to maintain risk tolerance as you grow your portfolio. You’re looking to shrink it.
It’s the same reason millionaires don’t become billionaires on some shitcoin. There’s too much to lose.
Bonus Tip: It’s never a compounding issue, but rather an income problem. You never need higher returns, but rather more money coming through the gate. Find a new job. Find a new side hustle. (Side hustles are just main hustles that aren’t big enough to be a main hustle YET.-Alex Hormozi, a hundred millionaire.)
Make money through the real world, it’s more interesting and you’ll actually develop skills that way. I regret riding some shitcoin because now I don’t value 25% of my portfolio. I’ve checked myself and I now value it again after nearly 2 years of being reckless with it. Instead of giving 100$ to some girl on the internet, I now give it to the guy that sells me flowers on a rainy day, or the dude selling cotton candy in an old wooden table near the corner store. I’ll remember that a lot more when compared to when I used to give 200$-400$ in a single weekend to girls on the internet. I believe in full honesty which is why I’m telling these stories on a crypto blog. I don’t want you to end up like me. 200$-400$ can do a lot. You can start a literal MILLION DOLLAR business with that amount of money, and now that I’ve learnt from my mistakes; I pass the information gained onto you and whoever you may wish to hand it over to.
Don’t ever let immaturity get it’s hands on you or else you risk your whole portfolio.