How to get RICH with GAMING

Interesting title, right?

That's because nobody ever says you can get rich gaming. 

Interesting proposition. 

I've got news. A ton of people have made thousands of dollars gaming on games like splinterlands, and many people have made millions of dollars gaming in the sandbox; one of the biggest crypto projects in the world.

Crypto royale, a niche 500,000$ marketcap play to earn project on the harmony blockchain has given their biggest payout worth 4,000$ to an individual just off of 1 match. They've easily given 15,000$ a year to select players that are able to grind out enough to get access to that pool of resources.

It's mindblowing, really. Crazy to think that it's possible to make money gaming; regardless, I believe that all you need to do to get rich gaming; is to start your own game...OR...go pro. 

Let's discover going pro. If you spend 4-5 hours a day grinding on some of these play to earn games, the chances that you'll make it big within a year is actually very high. We're talking about 2-3k$ extra each month on top of your job. that's excess money you can spend on whatever you want. I'd recommend spending it on assets; never expenses. Always grow your money. Never spend it. Unless you're buying something that gains value over time and is easy to sell, please for the love of god do not buy a car for example. Most expensive cars gain value by the way. Lambos gain value over time. In 2019 a lambo would've been maybe 200k usd. Today they're 400k usd. BIG DIFFERENCE. 

Regardless, the only job you have now is to find games that are willing to pay out funds to you for your promised loyalty and hours of gameplay. 

Be wise; don't spend all day gaming. It likely won't make you rich. Do your own research. 

I recommend doing something "boring" like creating a newsletter, blog, articles(on publish0x!), traditional business, softwares, or just work more. The fastest way to make more money is to find a 2nd job. Or maybe just get 1. I'm always going to work 2 jobs when I can. Likely going to be 2 part time jobs though assuming they're able to pay me more when compared to just getting 1 8-12 hour position. Being able to experiment on my spare time when I'm home is more important than anything else that might possible show up on my timeline. I value being able to discover something that is able to help me get rich faster in comparison to my job. For example, starting a business is an unlimited method of growth. There's potential for exponential growth and that matters alot. My job won't have potential for exponential growth. Best case scenario I'd get a promotion and mae 50% more. That's not exponential. Going from 50,000$ a year to 400,000$ a year in 1 year is exponential. 5,000$ a year to 1,000,000$ a year is exponential. 

BTW. I'm a teenager which is why you see me refer to jobs in the future tense.

That's all for today.

I hope this has helped educate you in many ways; good luck!

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