If you somehow manage to get through the brick wall of technicalities involved in creating a token, how are you certain that it’ll even succeed without a competent person? What if you’re not competent? Well, I’ve got good news for you, the majority of crypto project founders are not very competent, this obviously comes with a major grain of salt as most token founders are genuinely competent regardless of your thoughts and opinions on actions and how they behave - with exception to dumb individuals like Do Kwon, the majority of token founders with a marketcap of above 1 million dollars are more competent than you’d come to believe.
I’ve personally talked to the founder of cryptoroyale.one, at the peak it had been worth roughly 44,000,000 (44-million dollars) and had been an absolute sensation. It only came down to where it is today due to the fact that they’d no longer taken their own project’s promotion seriously. The founder became content at his own success, sold his stake for millions of dollars, and continued to work on his project out of pure kindness and belief in his own project. To be fair, he is a multi millionaire - just like most big project founders, he fumbled with selling his stake and dragged the price down really quickly. Regardless, the project continued to gain traction and he had paid out nearly 500,000$ in earnings to his community which is absolutely nothing in comparison to the profits he’s managed to make, assuming he’d sold his stake for 7 million dollars which is what the transaction logs display (ONE-BTC pair) he had sold his stake at the near peak of its worth. (His stake was worth 9.7million dollars at a 44 million dollar valuation.) I asked him about it and he said that he had no regrets. Today, he uses his millions to help keep the project running and pays nearly $15,000 out every year to the players of his project. Keep in mind that he’s still worth millions of dollars, and the fact that the project is still running efficiently is something to admire. It’s impressive since he had the choice to leave it whenever he wants and still picks to provide a game that continues to pay users out - with a working moderation system might I add. I can vouch since I’ve worked as a pen-tester for roughly a week, and was given 5000 ROY - equivalent to roughly 70$ at the time, which I had ended up spending on ingame perks - today I have over 128,000 ROY worth nearly 120$. It’s only taken 16 months of doing absolutely nothing. Using the ingame mercenary feature I was able to stake all of my resources at an incredible interest adjusting return of nearly 80%. Which I have withdrawn since - today that money sits in a bitcoin interest account of 9% APY.
I can’t risk making this too long and losing your interest, so if you’re genuinely interested, wait for part 2 of this post.
Cheers, and don't ever forget just how competitive the world is.