Become A Billionaire w/Your OWN Project

The title says it all, but comes with a grain of salt. 

You've got to pick a blockchain. It isn't easy too do that at all. You've got to measure the pros and cons, your target demographic, and a solid foundation for your business plan. in this case, your only aim should be to get ready to dedicate your days and nights to growing your project, for years on end. Look at the top 1,000 crypto projects in terms of marketcap, they're all atleast 3 years old. This is obviously because of the fact that the crypto boom originally occurred during the time period, and the fact that they had continued to run their projects at the tip top of their field regardless of how the crypto market reacted, even though it is clearly directly correlated to a project's success, what matters more than the market, is your internal project's market. Your project can still flourish in a down economy, just like PEPE did. The founders got content and sold their shares near the peak of their valuation of 2 billion dollars which is clearly mind boggling. Most people can't imagine having a project worth 100,000 dollars, neither a million dollars, so being able to achieve 2 billion dollars and then sell your stake is hard to believe. 

Regardless, you're not going to have to think about selling your stake in the project you've founded until 3-4 years into the project, and don't be stupid about it. You've only got to sell when you believe it won't effect the community, you're in it to win it and not sell your stake as soon as it's worth something. Always prioritize your community over everything else. They're the veins that pump blood to your project and you're the heart that helps pump the blood. Without any of you, the project would fail. 

I've personally picked the algorand blockchain for my own project due to the fact that it was the simplest and had transaction fees that were smaller than 1 cent. (0.01$) This would allow anyone with over 2 cents to become apart of my project. That's a low barrier to entry and it should always be like that. 

Once you've made your token in your respective blockchain, the next step is to choose how you're going to create leads out of thin air. Find lead generators, find methods that bring in people to your project, and make sure that those individuals are genuinely interested in your project, or else they won't buy into your currency and won't stay around for longer than an hour. You'd be lucky to have a disiniterested individual stay for longer than 5 minutes. 

Most projects don't have a real world use case which is why they end up failing, so make sure your project has a real world use case that you can build off of. Whether it be entertainment or banking, it has to be something people want to use or are forced to use. Make it a necessity or a want, it just has to be one of those 2 and not pointless. 

That's all for today, I hope that's pointed you in the correct direction. 



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