A break from crypto..that’s what I titled this article…I just thought it was important to allow you guys to just..unwind. And not unwind in a degenerate sort of way..but in a productive sort of way. In a way that isn’t going to waste your time, but rather give you time.
I’ve written this without a bias, and always encourage you to view the story from different sets of lens. Enjoy.
A good majority of you probably have tiktok, YouTube, or instagram. I used to have it too. It’s a curse and a complete waste of your time. We all already know it but still do it anyways, I want you to unwind from that mindset of allowing yourself to do whatever you want, and to rather just get on with life. There’s always that thing you’re supposed to be doing right now. If it’s schoolwork, go ahead and do it. I personally believe schoolwork is there to waste your time and distract you from the important things in life, but that’s my opinion. If the main aim of school and college is to make you money, why can’t I start today instead of having to delay it to until after college? It’s these tiny things people don’t think about because they don’t want to. They’d rather stay lazy and tell themselves that they’ll be different in college when in reality, they won’t.
The only way for you to change is for you to experience things. The majority of the people reading this right now aren’t from the US - and that’s good. This’ll resonate with you guys better. Most of us have experienced traumatic things, and many of us have forgotten about them because they don’t hold enough value to be on the top of our minds each and every day - which is also good. In my mind, there are no such things as trauma, only things to do and places to be. I understand that trauma is a very common excuse for people to use, and that’s alright. I also tend to downplay the amount of trauma I have, because I want nothing to do with them. I use my life experiences to improve, I know I’ve been given opportunities others haven’t been. Just like how I have access to the internet. I don’t take these benefits for granted.
Next time, instead of telling yourself you’re lazy, ask yourself, why are you lazy? There have been scientific studies to show that energy is created from an unlimited supply in the human mind, so what’s your excuse? Not enough motivation? Burnout? They’re all controlled by your mind. One way to avoid being bored by your job is to change things when you go to work every day and separate the days from one another, MAKE each day feel longer and longer instead of dreading the end of each work day. A good place to start can be accomplished through working on your blog on Twitter or LinkedIn during work. Make it strictly just about work related things, and finance - or things you know are productive. Do not indulge in pointless things by convincing yourself that it’ll end up doing you some good, because it won’t(commenting on that Reddit post will do you no good). Make sure you talk and read about something that is either making you better at the job you do, or making you more money. Education is the only way to go - and the best part is…education is FREE. It is found online. It’s 1 google search away.
Alex Hormozi, a hundred millionaire (USD) had said that he had gotten most of what he knows off of google. If he and many other billionaires can do so, why can’t you? You’re hypothetically made out of the same fabric, despite slight possible differences in intelligence(realism sucks), what’s stopping you? The biggest limiting factor when it comes up to learning is your own discipline and the way you think. If you believe you’re dumber than the billionaire, you will be. But then a new danger forms..the danger of an inflated ego..it’s always best to just forget about your ego until you’ve got money. Stay healthy and keep working hard at making money and you’ll get there. Alex Hormozi puts it best, always assume you’re the dumbest in the room.
If you’re in college or highschool, as some of you here are, all you need to do is work on money for a bit. Do the bare minimum in school. I know this is conventionally bad advice, but please, learn about more important things. Don’t listen to your teachers when they tell you maths and physics are more important. They’re misguided and just doing their job. They don’t care about you. Finance and money is more important. Why wait years to make minimum wage when you can start SOMEWHERE today. Don’t take this as advice, but please do your own research and please don’t be dumb about your decisions. Don’t be a floating cloud in life.
Don’t disregard this as complete nonsense, because it’ll be the biggest mistake of your life.
School and college is boring and we all know it, college isn’t even for the education, it’s for the connections and possible jobs and projects you can become apart of. If you still think college is for the education (even though education is free), you’re very wrong. I remember reading somewhere that a significant amount of employees had believed they would’ve been able to land their job without their degree….and the worst part is that they were probably right. Companies like google, apple, and Tesla don’t even require college degrees.
If you have several projects under your belt and a solid amount of knowledge in your field - you will get hired. This also applies to future lawyers, but this one’s a bit tricky because you’d need to pass a BAR exam in order to become a practicing lawyer….see the trend again? You just need the knowledge.
I have first hand examples of what not to do in highschool: study.
My brother had just graduated and I’m very close to all of his friends. Guess what they’re all doing right now in the 4 month holiday they’re given before being shipped off to college? Nothing. They’re playing video games, watching tiktok, YouTube, and procrastinating. Apart from the odd 1 person in a class of 30 that is currently studying code. Might I add, to a completely juvenile and amateur-like extent. (He also got the Highest graduating grade in the school) He’s doing less than 8 hours of learning a week. He’s learning code like a child. I also think that coding is a bit of a degen life path. Unpopular opinion, I know, but I’ve never seen a coder I’d aspire to be, apart from someone like mark Zuckerberg for example - and even then…he just stole code. I want to be like the founder of publish0x, I want to be like Alex hormozi, I want to be like Tristan and Andrew Tate. They all don’t know how to code. I take pride in downplaying the importance of code, I know it’s important, but just not to me. -Hold on.. I do know how to code, to a very basic extent. I wouldn’t be considered skilled in any scenario, but I am able to navigate my way through code. Enough to create a Roblox game perhaps, or code a basic website that updates to an SQL database through a sign in page. That kinda basic. (It’s embarrassingly basic) I know that my path to success is through hard work, and coding is simply too slow. I’m not going to spend years coding a website only for the marketing to be a flop when the marketing is the ONLY thing that matters. I could have a website that revolutionizes modern finance or medicine. But guess what; it isn’t going to matter if nobody knows about it. 50,000 page views is nothing. 1 million page views is nothing. You’ve got to enter 10 million pageviews a year territory to have your tech noticed, and you think I could reach there with no marketing skills? Wrong. + I don’t have the money to pay a skilled marketer, same goes for the imaginary dude that happens to beat all the odds and now has useless billion dollar tech in their hands (it isn’t gonna happen) + you’re/I’m broke. I hope you’ve enjoyed this nice trip down imaginary road, but it’s time to get back to the main dish.
I can confidently say I spend nearly 75% of every waking hour learning something. I’m not talking about a YouTube video or a tiktok video. That doesn’t count and it NEVER WILL. Actively choosing to shorten your memory and attention span counts as regression. You’re moving in the opposite direction at an advanced pace. If you’re wondering what I do with the other 25% of my time, it’s write articles like this, eat, go to the gym, stare into a ceiling and think(barely do this), meditation(barely), watch videos of Alex Hormozi (complete waste of time but I do it because there is always something positive I learn from his videos), miscellaneous tasks like random pushups, linkedin profile posts, random connections, and so on. I do too waste my time from time to time but I atleast don’t do it in the same ways everyone else does. Although admittedly I’ve found spare time on my hands lately so I’ve been swimming a lot more(in water)(as a sport).-wrote that to avoid any possible confusion haha
A good way to bump up (and think faster, speak faster, with better vocab) the way you think is to start writing articles. Whether it’s on your own website you’ve bought a domain for, or on a medium page, or even a publish0x account (would recommend), getting started is the way to go. The reason I say write an article and not a book is for leverage. Articles are simply higher leverage. Books - too little return on investment unless you’ve got a diehard audience which all of us don’t. I’ve ran discord servers and nobody ever has diehard audiences unless they’ve got a personality they’re willing to release into the public.
I remember when I was 10 or something - yes, 10 years old, I had just begun playing Roblox, an extremely new game at the time. I made a solid 80$ back then, probably equal to ~15$ today? I had done it for fun, leading a tiny little army group centered around a legion/Russia.
To be fair, the 80$/15$ I had earnt was in a virtual currency called robux so I couldn’t really withdraw it for anything. The action still matters though, so that’s that. I’d want my kids to be better than me. I was very sloppy and lazy - or atleast I was always so in my eyes because in comparison to those around me, I was doing close to nothing. I still am even today(I try not to). I used to have friends that were in finance at ages of 16, while doing sports and being apart of major clubs through their parents and so on, and good for them, it was never competitive but rather uplifting. We only barely ever competed with grades and to an extent that was just seen as a joke. Nobody really cared about their grades and still somehow got really good grades. I’m talking top 5% in the nation type of grades. I don’t know if you guys know this, but schools around the world take CAT tests, I participated in them for a couple of years and my school always ranked top 2 in the nation. (P.S - for the upcoming paragraph: everyone cares too much about their grades but gets absolutely shit grades, I’m talking bottom 60% of society type of shit grades, it’s so damn weird how the world works like that. - my guess is that effort is simply seen differently in these 2 sides of the world. Poor people are doing nothing as a lot, and then rich/productive people are doing moderate amounts as doing nothing because they exert so much effort at everything in their lives.)
I’ve recently moved countries and in the previous country I was in, everyone was so damn productive. And the one thing I noticed was that everyone came from richer backgrounds. In this new country, the gdp is 3x the amount and the population is approximately 70x of that of my previous country. Which should say enough. (Everyone here is poorer) - I don’t know why I keep pointing out the obvious but it’s just that I don’t want any confusion, confusion can always be avoided with 10 extra words and in my world, it’s always worth it.
As a result of everyone being poorer here, they get jealous now? Imagine being jealous for your own laziness. It’s something I can’t comprehend - although I’ve only seen this behavior in people who feel inadequate with themselves or regret the majority of their lives (or have a problem with communicating w/ women - more common than u think) A dude that can’t get girls is not supposed to be your friend. It’s that simple, there’s no argument or rebuttal. It’s a fact. It’s something you’re supposed to stick to. I know this only effects the male audience here, but let’s be honest, the audience is likely 95% male. To that 5% of women, if you’re reading an article about finance, and doing it for fun…that’s completely unusual. You can rest knowing you’re special.
I didn’t know what I had expected as a result of writing this article other than to list a few of my recent thoughts, so that’s that.
P.S all those influencers such as Andrew tate, Jwaller, sneako, and so on, are all complete wastes of your time. Even Alex Hormozi is a waste of my time. It’s because I know their whole message, and they just keep repeating it again and again. To be fair, Jwaller is the only person I’ve seen that has a different message, so I’ll see what that’s about. Don’t get me wrong, they’re good influences and you should certainly listen to what they’ve got to say, just don’t play it on repeat throughout 3+ hour podcasts where you’ll learn the same thing they say in every video but instead of being in a 10 minute time slot..it’s expanded to entertain instead of educate.
Don’t waste your time with uneducational videos. Be honest to everyone including to yourself. And don’t waste mind space.
Cheers, and don’t let your potential self slip away from your fingers.
P.S I’ve rewritten this article 2 times. :)