Solana: Is the Honeymoon Over?

By Cryptofab | The Crypto & DeFi Hub | 2 Dec 2024

I'm glad SOL went from $8 to $250 in a few months. But now it seems a bit in trouble...

Therefore, I keep some SOL on Solayer to get their future airdrop, but at the same time I am short selling SOL on Bluefin to have a delta neutral strategy, earn funding rates, and get the announced BLUE airdrop. Click on my link below to use Bluefin and earn BLUE token too:

Let me explain you why I'm short selling SOL.

Solana raked in $194 million in fees last month—a 164% jump! Sounds amazing, right? But here's the catch: they're spending way more on token incentives to keep users engaged. In the last 30 days, their expenses hit a staggering $457 million. This aggressive spending is a big red flag for their long-term sustainability.

Here's another worry: while monthly active users went up a bit, daily active users dropped by 32%! That's a huge red flag. Daily users are the lifeblood of any platform. If people aren't finding enough value to keep coming back, Solana's financial situation could get worse real quick.

Solana has achieved some impressive things, but those high fees and rapid growth don't tell the whole story. Without some fundamental changes, Solana risks becoming just another flash in the pan.

Can Solana overcome these challenges, or are we looking at a ticking time bomb?

Watch my video for the full story and let's talk.

Stay tuned, and let's keep the conversation going!

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