Medium or Publish0x: Where's the Money, Really?

By BreakdownFab | DecryptLab | 27 Jul 2024

This post is live on both platforms, so you're getting the full scoop!

Look, I write because I love it, not for the moolah. But... wouldn't it be nice to get paid for doing what you love?

4 years of hustling on both, here's the tea:


  • Founded: 2019 by the Publish0x team (mysterious, I know!)
  • Fun fact: It's like a crypto-powered Reddit, but for bloggers.
  • Pros: Crypto payouts, zero censorship.
  • Cons: Lower pay than Medium.


  • Founded: 2012 by Twitter co-founder Ev Williams
  • Fun fact: It was initially invite-only, like an exclusive club for writers.
  • Pros: Higher pay (partner program!), more readers.
  • Cons: Stricter rules, crypto posts got me suspended...

But let's talk numbers (based on my own experience):

  • Publish0x: 1650 views = $0.42
  • Medium: 77 views = $7.95 🤯

Curious? Follow me on both to see how this unfolds and check the posts

I'll be sharing all the juicy details of my writing journey, from the highs to the lows. After all, we're in this together, right? Let's see if we can crack the code to making a living doing what we love.

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