JUP: Solana's Hottest App, But Should You Buy the Hype? 🤔

By Cryptofab | The Crypto & DeFi Hub | 14 Jul 2024

Everyone's raving about JUP, the token of Jupiter Exchange, Solana's slick swapping app with low fees. It's a game-changer, right?

But hold on a second.

The app's great, no doubt. But have you peeked under the hood at the tokenomics? They're... well, they kind of suck.

Here's the deal:

  • FDV/TVL: This compares the token's fully diluted value (FDV) to the total value locked (TVL) in the platform. A high ratio (way above 1) signals trouble.
  • Why it matters: High FDV/TVL means the token is way overvalued compared to the actual value it brings. Not a good look.

JUP's FDV/TVL is through the roof. 🚩


The takeaway? A brilliant app doesn't always equal a golden token. Do your own research (DYOR) and tread carefully. This ain't financial advice, just food for thought.

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