What Causes Brain Freezing?

By Ezelazra3 | Enjoying Reading | 19 May 2022

Would you like to know the real reason for some things that often happen to us in our daily life? In fact, behind some things lie simple truths that we can grasp quite comfortably.

So let's start...

What Causes Brain Freezing?


Freezing of the brain can bother us when we eat cold foods such as ice cream. These short-term headaches occur when the extremely cold thing touches the upper palate or the roof of the mouth while consuming iced food and drinks. such a stimulus causes vasoconstriction or narrowing of blood vessels, i.e. nerve pain. This is usually alleviated by rewarming the upper palate to dilate blood vessels through vasodilation. Quick remedies like drinking warm water or pressing your tongue against the roof of your mouth can get blood flow back up and stop the brain from freezing.

What Is The Pink Part Of Our Eyes?


Almost every part of the human body has a specific function. however, this may not be quite true when it comes to the little pink corner of your inner eye. The truth is, this part is useless. The scary part is that this part is basically the evolutionary remnant of a third eyelid that covers the eyes of reptiles, fish, and birds with a thin film and keeps harmful bacteria at bay. Unfortunately, people no longer need an artificial eyelid. So we have a small part of it that no longer functions.

Why Does Grass Smell Good When Cut?


That fragrance that emerges is nothing but grass screaming in pain. When the grass is cut, the plant produces new cells and in the process increases the release of organic compound known as GLV to help heal wounds. This combination of 8 oxygenated hydrocarbons, together with the alcohols and aldehydes that make up GLVs, gives people a pleasant smell. So the next time you smell freshly cut grass, remember that it's the sweet smell of trauma.

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