Energi Defense: Scam Warning - "Energi Plus"

By Energi | Energi | 5 Sep 2019

Energi Defence discovered a website and purported upcoming ICO deceptively claiming to be "Energi Plus". The website is amateurly thrown together, has only pseudonyms for their team and mimics Energi's use of a .world domain name suffix, attempting to confuse investors via a method known as cybersquatting. Please be aware that Energi is in no way affiliated with this website or their alleged cryptocurrency.

Our security experts also revealed that the website is hosted on a dubious web server, suggesting that their entire operation is fraudulent. This investigation also uncovered nearly 100 additional malicious websites on the same hosting provider with similar fraudulent intentions as "Energi Plus". In fact, the hosting provider was flagged by various cyber threat hunting organisations such as Virustotal, Quad9 and PhishTank.  

While Energi does not usually advise for or against investments, our team feels the need to warn our community against this apparent scam. 

If you wish to find out more about about our Project and our Energi Defence you can visit our website

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Until next time,

Energi Team.



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