Maiar, the future of money.

[EGLD] Maiar - the future of money!

By CryptoCata | multiversX | 9 Feb 2021

Have you heard of Maiar (download Maiar)?

It's a mobile app developed by the Elrond Network team. It acts as a non-custodial wallet (this means that you are the only one who have access to the wallet and all crypto assets in it) and you can store at the moment: EGLD (eGold), ETH (Ethereum) and BNB (Binance). They plan to extend with other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin in the near future.

What makes it special? Well, it has a nice UI/UX design and by using it, you and your friends can transfer EGLD through the Elrond Network using something called herotag - it's basically a short name that you can choose and other users can find you by that short name and not the EGLD address. Also, transactions are at a true cost of just 0.001$ per transaction, sounds good, right? Who needs Banks when you have Maiar?

The sign-up flow implies using your phone number, but it remains hidden for all the users, except for those who have you in their phone as a contact. I was surprised to see that some of my phone contacts are using also Maiar app, what about your contacts? Are they using Maiar? Install the app and check it download Maiar

Here is how the app looks like:


By using my download app link from here you can get 10$ in EGLD! The only requirement is that the sum of all your purchases in app should be above 200$. I have tested this and I have got my 10$ in EGLD.

EGLD had some insane increase in the last days, ~150% in 7 days! It's currently the #21 rank in the crypto market cap.

I hope you found some useful information reading my article.

Have a nice day,

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MultiversX (previously Elrond Network) it's a blockchain that uses a sharding architecture in order to process 15,000 TPS (transactions per second) and can scale even further to 263,000 TPS with their own mainnet. This is something impressive, as for example VISA is currently processing around 1,700 TPS. It seems this project has some potential so let's discover them together.

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