Coinmarketcap Earn - Sushiswap Quiz answers

CoinMarketCap users can learn about SushiSwap (SUSHI), and then take a short quiz. If a user successfully completes the quiz, they will receive the SUSHI Tokens as a reward. helps you take advantage of your idle cryptocurrency by providing tools that earn you ____?

A. Interest

Q2. What do you need to unlock the power of DeFi on

A. A wallet with cryptocurrency tokens in it!

Q3. All of the transaction fees earned by Sushi are paid to whom?

A. The Sushi liquidity providers

Q4. If you want to provide liquidity to the SUSHI-WETH pair and have $100 in SUSHI tokens, what is the maximum amount of WETH you need?

A. 100$ 

Q5. What do you need to do first to become a yield farmer?

A. Provide liquidity

Q6. What do you earn for being a farmer?

A. Sushi Tokens

Q7. Becoming a farmer on Sushi has which benefits?

A. All of the above


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