
Drip Drip Faucets...

By sczs | Doing That Crypto Thing... | 10 Apr 2021


Drip...Drip...Those dang leaky taps! ...aren't crypto faucets awesome! 

In all honesty the 'drip drip' of faucets aren't going to make you rich, but they are a great way to dip a toe in the water of alternative and exciting cryptos. Here's a list of the faucets I regularly shake my tin cup at.


Easy faucet to earn ZEC, Doge and their own 'Flare Token' - once a day. ZEC is paid directly into your external wallet.

Ref: https://pipeflare.io/r/61rc

Non Ref: https://pipeflare.io


Easy to use faucet to earn ZEC - once a day. Paid directly into an external wallet.

Ref: https://globalhive.io/r/97129

Non Ref: https://globalhive.io

Horizen Community Hub (GetZen)

Easy faucet to earn ZEN - once a day. Paid into your external ZEN wallet every Monday, or instantly if you use their 'Horizen wallet'.

Ref: https://getzen.cash/auth/register?ref=371795

Non Ref: https://getzen.cash


Simple faucet to earn Banano - once a day. Banano is paid directly into your wallet. Just click the faucet button...

Non Ref: https://monkeytalks.cc/

TipNano (Android App)

An easy click-to-earn app where the payout value increases the less you withdraw. Earn Nano every one and a half hours. 

Non Ref: https://apk.appsgm.com/app/com.bdf.tipnano/Finance

WeNano (Android/iOS App)

Location based earning. If your near a location you can request payouts regularly.

Non Ref: https://wenano.net/


Not technically a drippy faucet, however they do have a free cloud miner. Needs to be activated and reactivated ever 4 hours. Earnings cant be withdrawn, but can be futures invested. Profits made can then be withdrawn.

Ref: https://app.stormgain.com/friend/BNS20606102

Non Ref: https://app.stormgain.com


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