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한 줄로 읽는 암호화폐 뉴스(Daily Crypto News, 08/19) []
[굿모닝 비트코인] 0819 미 30년 만기 채권 수익률 역대 최저..경기침체 우려 속 비트코인 ‘5만 달러 간다’[]
Top-5 Crypto Performers: LINK, LEO, BCH, ETC, BSV, OKB* []
The views and opinions expressed here are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Cointelegraph. Every investment and trading move involves risk. You should conduct your own research when making a decision. The market data is provided by the HitBTC exchange.
Only a handful of hedge funds have invested large sums of money in the crypto universe. Digital Currency Group, likely the largest, has invested in over 130 crypto-related projects with an average seed round size of $3.24 million. Its subsidiary, Grayscale Investments, which invests directly in cryptocurrencies and digital assets, had $2.7 billion in assets under management according to its Q2 2019 financial report.
GBTC Premium, Source:
Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) acts as a Bitcoin fund that offers the opportunity to bet on Bitcoin by buying its shares which are touted to be the “publicly quoted securities solely invested in and deriving value from the price of bitcoin.”
GBTC holds more than 1.3% of the outstanding Bitcoin supply, as of July 2019.
The trust owns the Bitcoin of its investors on their behalf, which in turn entrust them to to the cryptocurrency custody service to keep them safe.
Recently, Grayscale announced Coinbase Custody as its new partners for this, which acquired Xapo (the previous custody provider to Grayscale) last week.
中, CBDC 도입…”주요국 디지털화폐 전쟁 시작됐다” [blockmedia]
18일 체인파트너스 리서치센터 보고서는 페이스북 리브라 백서가 공개된 지 두 달 만에 중국 인민은행이 CBDC 도입을 준비하고, 미국과 일본, 유럽 등도 이에 맞서 행동에 나선 점에 주목하며 디지털 화폐의 패권을 쥐기 위한 전쟁이 시작됐다고 분석했다.
앞서 국제결제은행(BIS)과 국제통화기금(IMF)은 다가올 CBDC의 시대에 대비해야 한다고 밝힌 바 있다. 이에 가장 먼저 행동에 나선 것이 ‘중국’이다. CBDC는 중앙은행이 직접 발행하는 디지털 명목화폐를 말한다.
Bullish for Bitcoin Price: Wall Street’s Ex-Central Bankers Advocate For “Free Money” []
Citing a recent report from the world’s biggest asset manager, Blackrock, the economist suggested that there are now analysts on Wall Street advocating for “central banks to perform fiscal policy” by “Going Direct” — “central banks giving ree money to public and private sector spenders.”
Fiat Lite vs. Freedom Maximalist: The Two Types of Bitcoiner []
As far as a spectrum for crypto freedom and regulation goes, there is only a middle ground in the debate practically. Morally, there is none. Mathematically, there is none. The state will continue to leverage fear-based regulations made possible by threats, and this will in effect inhibit a certain amount and certain types of crypto usage. At press time, for example, many in the crypto space are currently speculating that recent drops in the price of BTC are due to IRS tax letter response deadlines approaching. Violence always changes practical reality.
비트코인 김치 프리미엄이 사라진 이유 []
김치 프리미엄과 반대로 ‘김치 디스카운트’라고 부를 만한 현상은 계속되고 있다. 지난 13일 업비트에서 비트코인 가격은 개당 1367만 8000원선이었다. 코인데스크 비트코인 가격지수에 따르면 같은 날 비트코인 가격은 11429.14달러로 1393만 1951원이었다. 업비트 거래가보다 1.82% 더 비쌌다. 가격대가 좁아지면서 가격 차이도 줄어들었지만, 아직 완전히 사라졌다고 할 수는 없다.
Meanwhile, according to the Chinese version of today’s report, the Venus project is named the “regional analog” of Mark Zuckerberg’s Libra project.
To implement the initiative, the company is going to team up with global businesses that are into the blockchain industry. It will be possible to issue new stable currencies on the Venus blockchain, which rate will be tied to fiat currency, oil or other valuable assets. Venus’s key audience will be emerging economies and volatile national currencies.
The company invites all interested businesses and government agencies to participate in the blockchain deployment.
바이낸스 ‘비너스 프로젝트’ 공개…리브라의 대항마될까 []
바이낸스는 페이스북의 리브라 프로젝트보다 포부를 더 명확히 제시하고 있다. 바이낸스는 “금융 헤게모니를 깨고, 세계 금융 시스템을 재편성한다”고 그 목적을 제시했다.
더불어 바이낸스는 정부와 시장에 권고하기도 했다. 세계 최대의 암호화폐 거래소는 “중앙 정부는 미래 금융 시스템에서 블록체인 산업의 전략적 위치와 디지털 스테이블 코인을 확립하는 게 좋다”며 “특정 범위 내에서 규제 샌드박스 매커니즘을 설정하고 파일럿 결제 서비스를 추진해야 한다”고 주장했다. 또한 “민간 기업이 디지털 스테이블 코인을 발행하고 국경 간 결제 시스템을 개발할 수 있도록 해야 한다”고 덧붙였다.
No Demand for “Highly Speculative” Altcoins: Analyst [blockmedia]
“If 98 percent of [altcoins] went to crap, the 2 percent would leave around 50 to go on to [actually] be the outliers that end up returning,” said noted trader Cantering Clark. “Since this day last year – Total Alts in circulation increased by 65 percent [and] Total Alt-Market Capitalization dropped by 22 percent.”
Rager supported Clark’s analyst and recommended investors to choose their altcoins wisely.
Bitcoin Price Leaps As Bakkt And Coinbase Stimulate Institutional Appetite []
Sentiment analysis by provides useful insight into what might have driven Bitcoin’s price. On one hand, it shows a strong uptrend immediately following the Bakkt announcement – which is to be expected. On the other, sentiment momentum has clearly carried into the weekend, with two major spikes that aren’t attributable to any particular news.
We should expect Bitcoin price levels to break-down out of the ascending wedge over the coming days, break below $9,600 and proceed to create a lower low around $8,800. However, if enough buying volume enters then there’s a chance key resistance at $11,100 will be broken. This will signify the start of a new bullish short-term trend.
To conclude, bitcoin is at a decision point as it trades close to the 200 EMA. We know if $11,100 is broken then further upside is expected. Adversely, if $9,600 is broken we know to expect further downside and perhaps a lower low.
BTC/USD Bitstamp 1-Day Chart
Daily chart’s RSI: The recent bullish move brought the RSI precisely to the 50 resistance level. This could be a significant area (along with the aforementioned resistance for Bitcoin). As mentioned above, the Stochastic RSI oscillator provided reason for optimism, as it crossed over in oversold territory and is about to enter the bullish zone.
Trading Volume: The weekend saw a very low amount of trading volume (as expected). If Bitcoin bulls want to take control of the market, today’s candle will need to be a lot higher than that of the weekend.
According to the claims made, Switzerland has previously expressed discomfort in having Libra regulated in the country. In the past, Head of Calibra, David Marcus did what he could to reassure a Swiss Representative, Bill Huizenga that Facebook had reached out about its endeavors in regard to regulations, especially with the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority.
Crypto Community Finds Holes in "Real" Satoshi Nakamoto's Big Reveal []
Some have even managed to dig data out of the WordPress website the “big reveal” is being made on, and have published most of the files within it. Others merely pointed out that in the cryptocurrency community it’s common not to trust but to verify claims.
The real Satoshi Nakamoto has a clear way of proving his or her real identity, by merely cryptographically signing a message using the keys from Bitcoin’s Genesis block.
Crypto.Com Launches Social Payment App to Rival Venmo [] moved on to app-based activity, in a drive to popularize digital assets. In addition to its debit card business, is adding to financial innovation with direct in-app payment. With the latest launch, competes with payment systems like Venmo and Revolut, as well as Circle and Square, joining the worlds of crypto assets and fintech.
"디브리핑의 문호준입니다." 비트코인, 1200만원대 박스권 상하단 돌파여부 주목 []
부산에서 FATF와 리브라 이후 암호화폐 세상의 새 질서를 논의한다 [coindeskkorea]
코인데스크코리아와 부산광역시는 오는 9월3일 해운대 파크 하얏트 호텔에서 디지털 자산 거래소 박람회 ‘DAXPO 2019’를 연다. 각 분야 전문가들을 초청해 다양한 관점에서 디지털 자산 생태계가 맞이한 새로운 국면을 진단할 예정이다.
국내 첫 미디어 연합 블록체인 컨퍼런스 ‘KBW 2019’ 열린다 [blockpost]
블록체인 기술과 산업에 전문성을 인정받는 미디어 5사가 공동으로 아시아 최대 규모 블록체인 컨퍼런스 ‘코리아블록체인위크 2019(KBW 2019)’를 오는 9월 27일부터 10월 4일까지 개최한다.
국내 최대 블록체인 행사 '디파인' 열린다...디센터 등 5개 미디어 주관 [decenter]
9월30일부터 10월1일 양일간 그랜드 인터컨티넨탈 서울 퍄르나스에서 팩트블록의 ‘코리아블록체인위크(KBW) 2019’ 주간(9월27일~10월4일) 중 메인 행사로 열리는 디파인 컨퍼런스에는 국내외 주요 기업들과 블록체인 프로젝트들이 대거 참여할 예정이다.
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