Bitcoin 08/18/2019 by dobobs

By dobobs | dobobs | 18 Aug 2019

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한 줄로 읽는 암호화폐 뉴스(Daily Crypto News, 08/19) []

[굿모닝 비트코인] 0818 비트코인 연말까지 13,000달러 넘을 것, 8,000달러 이하로 하락할 가능성도 낮아.. 백트 출시 전 상존하는 낙관론과 비관론 []

[주간 전망] 비트코인, 범위 내 다지기 이어갈 듯 …백트(Bakkt) 호재 파급력 주시 필요 []

일단 현재 기술적 관점에선 비트코인의 추가 조정 내지 범위 안에서의 약세 다지기가 지속될 것이라는 견해가 우세하다.

암호화폐 분석가 누냐 비즈니즈는 비트코인이 주간 챠트에서 9500 ~ 1만1500달러 범위를 만들고 있는 것 같다고 지적했다. 또 다른 분석가 크립토 울프는 비트코인이 과거와 비교하면 아직 충분한 조정을 거치지 않았다고 밝혀 현재의 조정 기간이 연장될 것임을 시사했다. 암호화폐 분석가 크립토미스트는 최근 비트코인이 CME(시카고상품거래소) 선물 갭(futures gaps)을 메우는 과거 행태를 반복할 것이라는 가정 하에 비트코인이 8400달러까지 후퇴할 수 있다고 예상했다.

Binance CEO Confirms U.S. Exchange Could Go Live As Soon As Next Month [blockmedia]

“I don’t want to promise any fixed dates but there is a lot of work being done. There are a lot of things in flux, but I would say [we’ll launch] in a month or two.”

That means that the Binance exchange is expected to be released at the end of September or in mid-October.

The main question is whether the damaged altcoins will be able to recover part of the market they lost during the last few months. Binance is a very important player for the altcoin market and the United States is certainly a very important country as well.

Litecoin to break out of the broadening wedge; on course for correction if support holds []

The slump looks to continue, with the support of $74.1 being tested during press time. If the same fails, the next support level stands at $67.66, which the coin bottomed out of during the close of April. Furthermore, the next support level stands at $60.15, which was part of Bitcoin’s massive April 2 price upheaval.


By CCN Markets: Move over, Craig Wright! The "real" Satoshi Nakamoto vows to reveal himself as the true inventor of bitcoin over the next few days.

What's more, the "real" Nakamoto claims he's currently in possession of 980,000 BTC. Using today's bitcoin price, that stash is worth more than $10 billion.

A blockchain company called Satoshi Nakamoto Renaissance Holdings promised that the "real" Satoshi would finally break his silence following a decade of anonymity. He promised to unveil his deepest secrets in three installments, starting on August 18 at 4 p.m. Eastern time.

Low Volume Fallout As Crypto Exchange Drops 23 Trading Pairs for Tether, Ethereum and Monero []

Several delisted ETH pairs had relatively high trading volumes during the historic crypto bull market of late 2017 and early 2018. They include once-popular cryptocurrencies such as Golem, Decentraland, Qtum, GAS, Steem, and Lisk.

Apart from Bitcoin (BTC) and the leading stablecoins, Poloniex’s top-performing Ether trading pair is Zcash (ZEC). However, ETH/ZEC volumes also remain quite low, with only a little over $52,000 in 24-hour trading volume on August 17.

Blockchain Investors Have New Criteria For Funding Decisions: “Revenue Generation” []


A shift is taking place in terms of which geographic regions and vertical segments of the industry are seeing investment beyond the early stages. The release of the Investments in Blockchain report coincides with the launch of Outlier Ventures’ first Base Campprogram to “support the development and growth of new technologies in the open data economy.

Crypto Markets Descending, With Bitcoin Price Sinking Below $10,200 []


Apart from XRP, only Cardano (ADA), UNUS SED LEO (LEO), Chainlink (LINK), and IOTA (MIOTA) are reporting gains on the day among top-20 cryptocurrencies.

As reported earlier today, Bitcoin SV blockchain developer and blockchain organization service Open Directory creator synfonaut launched a consulting service called Office Hours. This service connects developers in need of assistance with experienced Bitcoin SV developers for help on Bitcoin SV projects.

법원, 은행 암호화폐 입금정지 부당…“비트소닉 등 암호화폐 거래소 손 들어줘” []

13일 서울지방법원 민사 제50부(주심 고석범 판사)가 암호화폐 거래소 비트소닉, 코인이즈, 벤타스 비트가 신청한 거래정지조치가처분에 대해 인용 결정을 내렸다. 이로서 암호화폐 거래소 3사는 정상적으로 법인계좌를 통한 거래가 가능해졌다.

앞서 농협은행, 신한은행 등 국내 은행들은 금융위의 가이드라인에 근거해 실명확인 입출금계정서비스를 이용하는 소수를 제외한 암호화폐 거래소들에 대해 집금계좌로 사용되는 계좌를 정지하겠다고 통보한 바 있다.

암호화폐 거래소 3사는 이러한 금융위와 은행들의 조치에 서울중앙지방법원에 거래정지조치금지가처분을 신청했다. 금융위의 정책과 은행들의 일련의 거래금지조치의 부당함에 대해 법적 판단을 구하게 된 것이다.

Why is Bakkt Important For Mainstream Adoption of Bitcoin (BTC)? []

“It offers a way for large, risk-averse institutions to buy and custody bitcoin through an end-to-end regulated system approved by the CFTC and NYDFS, and backed by the sterling reputation of ICE,” said Jake Chervinksy, General Counsel of Compound Finance.

Crypto Analyst: Bitcoin Should Hit $28,000 Within a Year []

Bitcoin has constantly proven itself against many other investment choices including gold. In the second quarter of the year, bitcoin made a bullish run and recorded an 8-month high, touching nearly $13800. It later made a run down the charts from where it began to swing within the range of $9,500 and $12,200. Most recently, bitcoin had dipped by almost 10% within a single day towards the $9500 mark but has since been recovering from the shock.



This week the slope on US Treasury bonds became inverted and for economists and market analysts, this is typically an indicator that a recession could be on the way.
At the same time, Gold has continued to rise in price and many investors believe that Bitcoin is a similar store of value and hedge against volatility.
If the US and other countries truly are on the verge of a recession, one would increase inflow into Bitcoin and a significant increase in its market cap and value.

Ethereum Could Still Be Worth Below $400 In The Next Major Bullish Phase []


Moreover, experts say economic reasons can be one major cause of ETH’s downfall, thus a simple supply and demand factor. As Ethereum served as the main engine for many projects, most of these companies used ICO’s to raise millions of dollars almost all in Ethereum.

This gave the cryptocurrency a high drive power to soar in Jan 2018. However, the companies after the ICO’s sold their ETH assets to fund their projects, and this made ETH take a gradual fall and remain somehow stagnant till this very day.

The Bearish Trends That Continue to Strike Bitcoin []

He further states that several investors were simply “buying the dip.”

However, one of the biggest contributing factors to bitcoin’s sudden decrease was the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC’s) decision to, once again, delay several bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs), including one submitted by VanEck SolidX. This proposal has been waiting in the wings for well over a year and has experienced several delays along the way.

Goldman Sachs: Bullish on Bitcoin | Crypto Markets []

Eric Crown, prominent Youtuber and trader, comments on Goldman Sachs’s latest bullish analysis on Bitcoin’s price. He also evaluates the latest Bitcoin (BTC) movements, focusing on the significance of the highest weekly close in a year and a half. Finally, he analyses the behavior of altcoins in comparison with both BTC and USD.


부산에서 FATF와 리브라 이후 암호화폐 세상의 새 질서를 논의한다 [coindeskkorea]

코인데스크코리아와 부산광역시는 오는 9월3일 해운대 파크 하얏트 호텔에서 디지털 자산 거래소 박람회 ‘DAXPO 2019’를 연다. 각 분야 전문가들을 초청해 다양한 관점에서 디지털 자산 생태계가 맞이한 새로운 국면을 진단할 예정이다.

국내 첫 미디어 연합 블록체인 컨퍼런스 ‘KBW 2019’ 열린다 [blockpost]

블록체인 기술과 산업에 전문성을 인정받는 미디어 5사가 공동으로 아시아 최대 규모 블록체인 컨퍼런스 ‘코리아블록체인위크 2019(KBW 2019)’를 오는 9월 27일부터 10월 4일까지 개최한다.

국내 최대 블록체인 행사 '디파인' 열린다...디센터 등 5개 미디어 주관 [decenter]

9월30일부터 10월1일 양일간 그랜드 인터컨티넨탈 서울 퍄르나스에서 팩트블록의 ‘코리아블록체인위크(KBW) 2019’ 주간(9월27일~10월4일) 중 메인 행사로 열리는 디파인 컨퍼런스에는 국내외 주요 기업들과 블록체인 프로젝트들이 대거 참여할 예정이다.



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비트코인, BNB와 다른 수백가지 암호화폐를 몇 분 만에 거래하세요.


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